
Greens to begin formal negotiations on climate bill

20 July, 2022 - The Australian Greens Party Room has met and had its first discussion regarding the government's Climate Change Bill and has empowered Greens Le...

Nation leading action to drive zero emissions vehicle uptake in the ACT

20 July, 2022 - Canberrans will have greater access to vehicles that are cheaper to run and better for the environment with a new strategy released today by the...

Parliament is for the Public Good Not Toxic Factionalism

20 July, 2022 - The report tabled today from IBAC and the Ombudsman paints a disturbing picture of Labor’s toxic factional politics. It is up to the Labor pa...

State of the Environment: Greens push to halt extinction and for 'Climate Trigger'

19 July, 2022 - The Greens are urging the Albanese Government to stop approving new mines and developments in threatened species habitat to halt extinction and ...

Jobs for mates undermines democracy

18 July, 2022 - With the Grattan Institute today revealing that at least one in five government board appointments are being gifted to political mates, the Gree...


15 July, 2022 - The Victorian Greens are urging the state government to provide free masks to public transport users as public hospitals and ambulances struggle...

Dedicated office of Water at the forefront of water initiatives in the ACT

15 July, 2022 - The ACT Government will establish a new, dedicated Office for Water to support better water management in the ACT. Establishing the Office fo...

Greens urge ACT Government to walk the walk when it comes to Active Travel investment in Canberra

14 July, 2022 - Today, Jo Clay MLA has welcomed Minister Steel’s new consultation on active travel, but urges greater commitment to delivery. “Canberrans lov...

PM needs to choose: co-operation or confrontation?

13 July, 2022 - Responding to the Prime Minister’s attempts to rewrite history and issue ‘take it or leave it’ ultimatums to the Parliament, Greens Leader Adam ...

As Pacific Leaders declare climate emergency, Australia must stop new coal & gas

12 July, 2022 - Australia must walk the talk on climate commitments in the Pacific this week by stopping new coal and gas projects, the Greens have warned, afte...

Community Legal Centres and First Nations justice investment can’t wait

12 July, 2022 - Community Legal Centres across the country are in crisis, forced to turn away thousands of people in desperate need of legal assistance, after m...

Lismore Mayor's position is untenable following his calls for Council to be sacked

12 July, 2022 - Lismore Mayor Steve Krieg last night called for his own Council to be sacked and replaced with an autocratic administrator following the catastr...

More digital accessibility and connection for Canberrans

12 July, 2022 - To help communities and Canberrans at risk of social isolation, $487,000 worth of projects have been funded to build technological capacity and ...


12 July, 2022 - The Victorian Greens will today launch a plan to get one million homes off gas as part of their election campaign for a gas-free Victoria. Th...

New coal and gas projects will be the real test for Labor in the Pacific

11 July, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has called on the government to promise Pacific Leaders that Australia will stop opening coal and gas projects, ahead o...