
Greens party room back Bandt & Thorpe to negotiate with government on Voice referendum

9 August, 2022 - The Greens party room has formally backed Greens Leader Adam Bandt and Senator Lidia Thorpe to negotiate with the Government over their propose...

Violence against women in mining must end now

9 August, 2022 - The Australian Greens today vowed to increase its push for the mining sector to undertake systemic reform to prevent violence against women in ...

ACT Drug and Alcohol Court review shows positive results for the community

9 August, 2022 - The ACT Drug and Alcohol Court is reducing re-offending, helping offenders get their lives on track, and saving the community money, according ...

Minister Rishworth must heed calls to axe mutual obligations from disability employment service

8 August, 2022 - The Australian Greens are calling on Minister Amanda Rishworth to listen to disability stakeholders and scrap mutual obligations from the new d...

Labor’s Social Housing Plan will abandon hundreds of thousands of people to housing stress and homelessness

8 August, 2022 - Greens spokesperson for housing Max Chandler-Mather has today responded to the Housing Minister's comments on social housing, calling Labor's p...

Greens launch Upper House ticket in bid for balance of power

6 August, 2022 - The Victorian Greens have launched their powerful, majority women Upper House ticket for the state election in a bid for a more progressive Par...

Significant win for tax transparency

4 August, 2022 - Australia’s tax transparency laws have been significantly strengthened, with the Government supporting Greens amendments to lower the reporting...

Statement on anniversary of revocation of Article 370; Jammu and Kashmir.

4 August, 2022 - Australian Greens Statement on anniversary of revocation of Article 370 and downgrading of Jammu and Kashmir into a Union Territory.  On the ev...

Great Barrier Reef survival = no more oil and gas

4 August, 2022 - The Greens welcome reports of record coral recovery on parts of the Great Barrier Reef but warn the Government not to jeopardise its survival b...

Grim day for native forests as major parties pass anti-protest bill

4 August, 2022 - The Victorian Greens have called today a grim day for native forests following the passage of a Labor bill that will introduce major new fines ...

Budget 22-23 reply speech. Ft. Shane Rattenbury

4 August, 2022 - On behalf of the ACT Greens, I rise to respond to the 2022-23 Budget. With your indulgence I’d like to start this Budget reply with a brief ...

Powering Canberra: Our Pathway to Electrification

4 August, 2022 - The ACT Government today announced that it will phase out fossil fuel gas by 2045 by electrifying Canberra over the next two decades.   ...

Greens push to get dodgy donations out of local government

4 August, 2022 - The Victorian Greens will today push to ban donations from property developers and the gambling industry in local government, in a bid to get d...

Greens to support climate bill

3 August, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt speaking at the National Press Club today, confirmed that following negotiations with the Labor government which led t...

Who cares? Greens launch national inquiry into work and care

3 August, 2022 - The Greens have today successfully established a Select Committee on Work and Care. Greens spokesperson for employment, Senator for South Austr...