
Justice for child abuse survivors

9 June, 2022 - To ensure justice for survivors of child abuse, Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury will introduce law reforms to clear the way for courts to set a...

Taking action against sexual assault and violence in the ACT

9 June, 2022 - The ACT Government has agreed - or agreed in principle - to a majority of the 24 recommendations in the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Pr...

Cash for coal clunkers will only prolong energy problems

8 June, 2022 - The Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says the ‘coalkeeper’ subsidy to ageing coal power plants will slow the overdue modernisation of the Australian en...

NSW Upper House Set to Debate Bill to Establish Great Koala National Park

8 June, 2022 - Today (Wednesday) the NSW Upper House will debate a bill to establish a Great Koala National Park on the mid-north coast with Labor and the Gover...

Politics Wins Over Koalas: Great Koala National Park Bill Defeated

8 June, 2022 - Politics has once again won out over the future of koalas in NSW with the Government and Opposition voting against a Greens bill to establish a G...

Greens welcome NurseKeeper Bonus, but Premier’s Pay Cut a Slap in the Face for Healthcare Workers

6 June, 2022 - Greens welcome NurseKeeper Bonus, but Premier’s Pay Cut a Slap in the Face for Healthcare Workers  While a pandemic payment will be welco...

It’s Time for A Charter of Human Rights, say Greens

2 June, 2022 - “Australia is the only Western democracy that doesn’t have a national Charter of Human Rights, but we have an opportunity to change that,” said t...

Leading beyond our borders: opportunities to reduce scope 3 emissions

2 June, 2022 - To ensure the ACT continues to be a leader on climate action in Australia, the ACT Government is looking at opportunities to measure and reduce s...

Have your say for better planning in the ACT

2 June, 2022 - The ACT Greens are calling on the public to make submissions to the ACT’s planning review before 15th June. The final drop-in information session...

Proposed Drug Diversion Scheme Will Still Fail the Most Vulnerable

2 June, 2022 - The Attorney-General’s proposed drug diversion scheme to give police discretionary powers in issuing fines to people caught with small amounts of...

Gender-neutral language in our laws

2 June, 2022 - Today the ACT Government will introduce gender-neutral language in a range of laws and regulations in the territory. The Attorney-General will...

Young Canberrans empowered to access mental health support

2 June, 2022 - Early use of the youth mental health navigation portal MindMap shows young Canberrans are using the portal to get support for anxiety and depress...

Greens warn Labor not to adopt ‘take it or leave it’ approach

1 June, 2022 - Responding to ‘hairy chested’ comments today from Labor’s climate Minister that the government would not alter its weak climate position, Greens ...

Burn Right Tonight and reduce smoke impacts on Canberra’s air quality

1 June, 2022 - To protect both the community’s health and the environment, Canberrans are being reminded on the best ways to use their wood heaters with the lau...

Ellen Sandell to re-contest seat of Melbourne at state election

1 June, 2022 - Staunch climate advocate and local Kensington mum Ellen Sandell has officially announced she will re-contest the seat of Melbourne in the Novembe...