
Blowtorch on Big Tech overdue but welcome

20 April, 2020 - Making tech giants like Facebook and Google pay for the content they take from Australian journalists and creators is a welcome, albeit long ov...

As COVID pandemic continues, ACT Greens call on Government to immediately house all rough sleepers

20 April, 2020 - Canberra’s rough sleepers should be immediately housed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the ACT Greens said today. “We all need a saf...

Millions of taxpayer dollars being spent propping up damaging and loss-making native forest logging

20 April, 2020 - The NSW Government is handing Forestry Corporation $46 million from its $100 million regional grant scheme and there are fears it will lead to ...

Greens move to disallow Government's attack on bargaining rights

17 April, 2020 - When Parliament resumes at the foreshadowed May sitting, the Greens will move in the Senate to disallow the Government’s regulation short...

Greens back calls for review of Australia's environment laws to be extended

17 April, 2020 - The Greens have backed the calls by some of Australia’s biggest environmental organisations to extend the timeframe for the review of Australia...

Save Education Jobs: Government Must Back Higher Ed Through New Funding Package

17 April, 2020 - Australian Greens Senator and Education spokesperson Dr Mehreen Faruqi has said that the government must provide a new funding package for high...

Greed, politicking and climate change killing Murray-Darling, Keelty report shows

17 April, 2020 - The latest review into the management of the Murray-Darling Basin exposes greed, politicking and climate change are killing the nation’s bigges...

Driver licence extensions due to COVID-19

17 April, 2020 - ACT learner licence holders will have their licence renewal date extended under temporary changes to the ACT’s driver licensing scheme in respo...

Struggling Artists and Entertainers need an Arts Minister

17 April, 2020 - Premier Gladys Berejiklian needs to urgently step in and support struggling artists, entertainers and other creative workers or appoint an Arts...

Housing Needs A National Response With More Protection For Tenants: Greens

16 April, 2020 - Australian Greens Housing spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi and Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP have said that the federal gove...

WHO should be strengthened, not weakened

16 April, 2020 - The Australian Greens have condemned US President Donald Trump’s announcement this week that the United States will withdraw critical funding f...

Government must implement reduced deferral period for gay and bisexual men to donate blood

16 April, 2020 - The Victorian Government must promptly implement a reduced deferral period for gay and bisexual men to donate blood following approval by the T...

Smethurst High Court decision confirms need for Media Freedom Act

15 April, 2020 - Today’s High Court decision on the AFP raid of journalist Annika Smethurst confirms why Australia needs a Media Freedom Act, the Greens say. Gr...

Cut to local content requirements another blow to arts and entertainment industry

15 April, 2020 - Greens Spokesperson for Media and Arts Senator Sarah Hanson-Young responded to the Morrison Government’s announcement on Australian media today...

Greens call for public ownership of Virgin

15 April, 2020 - Greens leader Adam Bandt and transport spokesperson Senator Janet Rice have called for public ownership of Virgin in light of reports the airli...