
Humanitarian crisis on Nauru

11 October, 2018 - Medecins Sans Frontiers' revelations about the conditions of the people Australia is detaining on Nauru have laid bare the truly despearte si...

Leigh Creek UCG project must be stopped

11 October, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling on urgent Federal Government intervention into the Leigh Creek Energy underground coal gasification project...

One way or the other, this Government is lying about Ruddock Review: Greens

10 October, 2018 - Following the leak of the Ruddock Review into Religious Freedom, Prime Minister Scott Morrison told journalists this morning that "this has n...

Schools that Discriminate Don’t Deserve A Cent of Public Money

10 October, 2018 - Australian Greens Spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has said that the Ruddock Review into Religious Freedom’s recommendatio...

ROYAL COMMISSION: Priority should be to get young people OUT of aged care, not build new facilities

10 October, 2018 - Wednesday, 10 October 2018 The Australian Greens have branded an announcement the WA Government will spend $90 million on a new aged care pre...

Ruddock review recommendations disastrous for LGBTIQ+ Australians: Greens

10 October, 2018 - The Ruddock review recommendations to allow religious schools to expel LGBTIQ+ students and fire LGBTIQ+ teachers would be disastrous, say th...

Greens to move for extended inquiry into flooding of World Heritage Blue Mountains National Park

10 October, 2018 - The Greens will move to refer legislation to allow the flooding of the World Heritage Blue Mountains National Park to an extended parliamenta...

Greens challenge Labor to lift ambition and end approval for new coal mines in NSW

10 October, 2018 - The Greens have challenged NSW Labor to heed the warning contained in the IPCC Special Report released yesterday and rule out the approval of...

Greens will restore funding to mental health

10 October, 2018 - Today, on World Mental Health Day, the Victorian Greens have launched their $270 million commitment to restore funding to mental health. T...

Butler and Price show major parties are addicted to coal and can’t tackle the climate emergency: Greens

9 October, 2018 - Butler and Price show major parties are addicted to coal and can’t tackle the climate emergency: Greens Greens Co-Deputy Leader and spokespers...

More public housing needed to meet growing demand: ACT Greens

9 October, 2018 - “The Greens are disappointed that the proportion of public housing in the ACT Government’s land release program this year will only be 1.5%. T...

Victoria needs a creative vision that also helps artists

9 October, 2018 - The Victorian Greens’ Sue Pennicuik has had the arts among her portfolio responsibilities for more than a decade, and has participated in seve...

Inquiry hears of massive toll of Westconnex on communities

9 October, 2018 - Greens NSW Transport Spokeswoman Cate Faehrmann has branded the troubled Westconnex toll road a textbook example of Government mismanagement, ...