
Senate Calls on Federal Government to Enact a National Homelessness Plan

20 September, 2018 - The Australian Senate has today called on the Federal Government to take a national approach to homelessness and to develop a National Home...

Labor must not bow to Catholic School demands

20 September, 2018 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Andrews Government not to bow to the demands of Catholic Schools after the Catholic Education Commi...

Greens uncover new figures and brand logging in Eden forests as ‘economically reckless’

20 September, 2018 - Greens NSW MP and Forest spokesperson, Dawn Walker has criticised the Government’s ongoing logging operations in the Eden region and called...

Tick and flick on Adani’s 12.5b litre water pipeline shows big business running parliament

19 September, 2018 - Big business is now running parliament and the Government is not even pretending to anymore, Greens Senator for Queensland and mining and r...

Mandatory sentencing no panacea

19 September, 2018 - The Victorian Greens are calling for an end to the predicable on-the-fly approach favoured by Labor and the Opposition that presumes mandat...

Greens demand release of Ruddock Review

18 September, 2018 - The Greens will tomorrow move an order for production of documents motion in the Senate, demanding the government finally release the Ruddo...

New Live Export Approval Proves Government Isn’t Serious About Animal Welfare: MPs Must Vote to End Cruel Trade

18 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Animal Welfare Spokesperson and Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has called the Federal Government’s decision to appro...

Government approves introduction of anti-encryption bill without making public the consultation process

18 September, 2018 - Tuesday, 18 September The Coalition joint party room must wait until the Department of Home Affairs finishes reviewing public submissions m...

Gov admits it has no renewables policy and stands condemned: Bandt

18 September, 2018 - Gov admits it has no renewables policy and stands condemned: Bandt Greens climate change and energy spokesperson, Adam Bandt MP, said the g...

Justice Legislation Miscellaneous Amendment Bill 2018

18 September, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — The Justice Legislation Miscellaneous Amendment Bill 2018, which we are debating this afternoon, is ...

Government abandons White Bay noise protections

18 September, 2018 - Today the government released the details of its Noise Mitigation Strategy for White Bay Cruise Terminal. The government will abandon th...

NSW Government introduces law to allow flooding of World Heritage-listed Blue Mountains National Park

18 September, 2018 - The Greens NSW have condemned the NSW Government's introduction today of a Bill that will allow the World Heritage-listed Blue Mountains Na...

State MP receives threats over support for Sydney Marine Park

18 September, 2018 - NSW Greens Member of Parliament Justin Field has received online abuse including threats of physical violence from opponents of the Sydney ...

Footscray Factory Fire - Question without notice

18 September, 2018 - My question is the Minister representing the Minister for Health. It’s become clear that DHHS has not been proactive in getting a full pic...