
Tech giants oppose anti-encryption legislation, support privacy of their users

12 September, 2018 - Tuesday, 11 September Australian Greens Digital Rights Senator Jordon Steele-John said this morning he was thrilled that some of the bigges...

Whish-Wilson: 10 years on from the GFC and the Keating-era banking risks still remain

12 September, 2018 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, last night, delivered an adjournment speech on why the GFC is still with us and h...

Climate research shows Australians back Greens plan to phase out coal

12 September, 2018 - Climate research shows Australians back Greens plan to phase out coal Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today sai...

Adani motion a test for Labor and the Government

12 September, 2018 - The Government must revoke Adani’s environmental approval to in light of serious allegations of environmental breaches, said Australian Gre...

Labor sells out Australia on TPP

12 September, 2018 - Labor has thrown Australia under the bus for delivering the Government the numbers it needs to pass TPP enabling legislation, the Greens sa...

$2.6 Billion Sydney Airport Gateway Spend Irresponsible

12 September, 2018 - The government's announcement by the NSW Roads Minister that the Gateway project to Sydney Airport will cost taxpayers $2.6 billion demonst...

NSW Government backflip on Sydney Marine Park would risk healthy future for oceans and marine life

12 September, 2018 - The Greens have called on the NSW Government not to give into pressure from the Shooters and Fishers Party and a vocal minority to backflip...

Workers and Staff Feeling the Squeeze of University Budget Cuts

11 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has called on the Federal Government to reverse its funding freeze for un...

Greens NSW Statement on Workdynamic Australia's Report

11 September, 2018 - Statement from Rochelle Flood, Greens NSW Co-Convenor  In April 2018, Greens NSW received complaints of sexual harassment against G...

Greens welcome Virgin’s plastics ban

10 September, 2018 - The Australian Greens have welcomed Virgin Australia’s ban on plastic straws and stirrers.   “The less plastic waste we have finding its wa...

Steele-John: Stop using our Port for inhumane live export trade

10 September, 2018 - Monday, 10 September An Australian Greens bill that would end live sheep exports has passed the Australian Senate, immediately banning the ...

Greens-led Live Exports Ban Bill Passes Federal Senate - Morrison Must Support an end to the “Trade in Misery”

10 September, 2018 - A Greens bill that would ban live sheep exports has passed the Australian Senate. It would immediately ban the export of live sheep and lam...

Hannah Mouncey’s withdrawal shows AFL is not walking the walk when it comes to LGBTIQ+ equality, say the Greens

10 September, 2018 - “The AFL is happy to talk the talk when it comes to LGBTIQ+ inclusion, but Hannah Mouncey’s experience shows when push comes to shove, they...

Extraordinary over-reporting of drug use skews police resources

9 September, 2018 - One in four of all drug use and possession events recorded by the NSW government’s top crime statistician never happened. Since 2010 appr...