
Shocking new evidence reveals extent of Australia’s wildlife crisis

7 September, 2018 - The government should hang its head in shame on Threatened Species Day today, say The Greens. Dozens of expert submissions to the Senate Inq...

Shocking new evidence reveals extent of Australia’s wildlife crisis

7 September, 2018 - The government should hang its head in shame on Threatened Species Day today, say The Greens. Dozens of expert submissions to the Senate Inq...

Donations shine light on major party ties to pokies, property developers

7 September, 2018 - Tim Hollo, Greens Candidate for Canberra With the annual returns released publicly today by Elections ACT, questions have again been rais...

Question Without Notice: Duck Hunting Season

7 September, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. Today is Threatened Species Day, and it is also...

Morrison must now sack Dutton: Greens

6 September, 2018 - Morrison must now sack Dutton: Greens After further claims that Peter Dutton had a personal connection with someone he helped with an au pai...

Lowering the voting age: Overwhelming majority agree young people's voices should be heard in our democracy

6 September, 2018 -     Thursday, 6 September The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters will hold its first hearing today in Melbourne on Australian ...

Larissa Waters Returning to Federal Parliament

6 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Senator Larissa Waters is returning to federal Parliament following the confirmation of her appointment as a Senator for Q...

Greens slam NSW Disability Minister’s incompetent understanding of the NDIS

6 September, 2018 - Greens NSW MP and Disability spokesperson, Dawn Walker has criticised the NSW Disability Minister, Ray Williams for incorrectly stating that...

Footscray Factory Fire - Question Without Notice

6 September, 2018 - My question today is for the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment.  Last Thursday, a factory fire in West Footscra...

New PM is anti LGBTIQ, say Greens

5 September, 2018 - It has only taken a week for the new Prime Minister Scott Morrison to repeatedly show he doesn’t care about the wellbeing or welfare of youn...

Greens support fair wage for early childhood educators

5 September, 2018 - The Greens NSW are standing in support of the nation's early childhood educators as they walk off the job for fair pay across NSW and around...

Greens back Early Childhood Educators Walk Off for Fair Pay

4 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has backed fair pay for early childhood educators and the ‘Big Steps’ camp...

Greens will fight Leigh Creek UCG project

4 September, 2018 - Leigh Creek is facing an environmental and public health disaster following an irresponsible State Liberal Government decision to allow dang...

State Liberal Budget is anti-SA

4 September, 2018 - Greens Senator for SA Sarah Hanson-Young has slammed the State Liberal Party’s anti-South Australian budget.   “Steven Marshall and Rob Luca...

Greens welcome Port Lincoln Council’s opposition to drilling in the Bight

4 September, 2018 - Port Lincoln Council’s decision is a pivotal moment in the campaign to protect the Great Australian Bight, the Greens say.   “Port Lincoln h...