
Liberal Government teams up with One Nation to hack away at the ABC

18 October, 2017 - The ideological attacks on the ABC that the One Nation political party secured from the Liberal Government are well on their way to being ena...

Senate supports Greens motion condemning engagement of Serco contractors to address Centrelink woes

18 October, 2017 - The Senate has supported a Greens motion condemning the engagment of Serco and calling on the Government to commit to reinstating the nearly ...

Greens welcome government adoption of another Green policy with plastic bag ban

18 October, 2017 - Victorian Greens deputy leader Nina Springle has congratulated the government for falling into line and agreeing to ban plastic bags. The Gre...

Australians deserve to hear and see quality home grown content

18 October, 2017 - The Australian Greens have today launched an inquiry into the Economic and Cultural Value of Australian Content on Broadcast, Radio and Strea...

Greens secure Senate inquiry into Queensland Labor granting Adani an unlimited water licence

18 October, 2017 - The Greens have secured an inquiry into the mining and fossil fuel industry’s water use, and how the mining and fossil fuel industry have eve...

Australia’s credibility on world stage on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues lacking

18 October, 2017 - Australia’s election to the Human Rights Council will shine a harsh light on our country’s treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander...

Suspend Crown’s pokie machines immediately: Greens

18 October, 2017 - Victorian Greens gambling spokesperson Colleen Hartland says Crown Casino’s pokie machines need to be immediately suspended from trade while ...


17 October, 2017 - Australian Greens transport spokesperson Senator Janet Rice will host a Ride2Work Day meet-up at Parliament House, with the Cycling Promotion...

Turnbull has capitulated to climate terrorists to wreck our climate: Bandt

17 October, 2017 - Turnbull has capitulated to climate terrorists to wreck our climate: Bandt Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today ...

Greens don’t support Sugar Industry Code of Conduct disallowance

17 October, 2017 - The Greens are standing up for farmers against the predatory behaviours of multinational corporations who are hanging canegrowers out to dry,...

The Politics of Entry

17 October, 2017 - Renee Pettitt-Schipp Coming in the back door like you could wait politely at the front one. Coming in the back door like survival was a party...

Greens don’t support Sugar Industry Code of Conduct disallowance

17 October, 2017 - The Greens are standing up for farmers against the predatory behaviours of multinational corporations who are hanging canegrowers out to dry,...

Turnbull has capitulated to climate terrorists to wreck our climate: Bandt

17 October, 2017 - Turnbull has capitulated to climate terrorists to wreck our climate: Bandt Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today ...


17 October, 2017 - Australian Greens transport spokesperson Senator Janet Rice will host a Ride2Work Day meet-up at Parliament House, with the Cycling Promotion...

Greens call on the Senate to act urgently to address poverty during Anti-Poverty Week

17 October, 2017 -  Every year Anti-Poverty week rolls around, with report after report revealing the horrendous impacts of poverty in this country.  “Research ...