
ACCC calls BS on Turnbull/Abbott war on renewable subsidies: Bandt

16 October, 2017 - Greens climate and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the ACCC report has confirmed that power prices are going through the roof be...

Ways of Being Here

16 October, 2017 - Viv Glance Some of you may remember Rafeif Ismail as the candidate for Mirrabooka in the 2017 State election, and before that as a candidate ...

Child poverty in Australia a national shame

16 October, 2017 - Australia should be ashamed that one in six children live below the poverty line and almost half of all children living in poverty are in sin...

Accessibility for MPs offices should be a higher priority

16 October, 2017 - Monday, 16 October 2017 Hon Robin Chapple MLC has hit back at claims his office is not wheelchair accessible, stating there are purpose-built...

ACCC calls BS on Turnbull/Abbott war on renewable subsidies: Bandt

16 October, 2017 - Greens climate and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the ACCC report has confirmed that power prices are going through the roof be...

WA Greens hopeful Senate committee will recommend stronger protections for Ancient Burrup rock art

16 October, 2017 - Monday, 16 October 2017 The WA Greens are hopeful a senate report into the impact industry emissions are having on the Burrup Peninsula’s anc...

A functional Centrelink is key to tackling poverty

16 October, 2017 - This afternoon the Senate had the opportunity to speak on the Government’s response to the Centrelink robo-debt Inquiry which was tabled out ...

January 26th and racist monuments

15 October, 2017 - Rob Delves The Greens Social Justice pillar inclines us to challenge colonial era statues and the choice of January 26th as Australias Nation...

Ignoring Federal Government Energy ‘Policy’

15 October, 2017 - Chris Johansen The average surface temperature of our planet has warmed just 1°C above preindustrial times but the adverse effects of climate...

Enhancing democracy – it’s more than just reducing the number of MPs

15 October, 2017 - South Australians are poorly served by a State Parliament in desperate need of reform to make it more accountable, according to Green SA Parl...

Huge win for community and environment as Chevron abandons drilling in the Bight

13 October, 2017 - Chevron’s decision to withdraw plans to drill in the Great Australian Bight is a big win for the coastal communities, tourism and fishing ind...

Huge win for community and environment as Chevron abandons drilling in the Bight

13 October, 2017 - Chevron’s decision to withdraw plans to drill in the Great Australian Bight is a big win for the coastal communities, tourism and fishing ind...

First citizens’ jury hearings an opportunity to get deliberative democracy right

13 October, 2017 - Caroline Le Couteur, MLA The ACT’s first-ever citizens’ jury will commence this weekend (14-15 October 2017). These initial jury hearings are...

ACT Greens: Statement on pill testing trial

13 October, 2017 - Shane Rattenbury, MLA The ACT Greens today say the Canberra Liberals have serious questions to answer when it comes to pill testing and harm minimisation in the Territory.

Congratulations Dr Samantha Ratnam, our new Victorian Greens Leader

12 October, 2017 - Australian Greens Leader, Dr Richard Di Natale has welcomed the announcement of Dr Samantha Ratnam as the new leader of the Victorian Greens....