
Great Koala National Park delayed until 2025

12 September, 2023 - The Government’s announcement about the process for creating the Great Koala National Park has revealed that 58% of the reported koala popu...

Better late than never - Government announces bare minimum for Great Koala National Park six months too late

12 September, 2023 - The NSW Government has today announced it will establish advisory panels to begin the process of creating the Great Koala National Park and...

Poor conduct shows parliamentary standards body needed urgently

12 September, 2023 - Following new revelations by female MPs Karen Andrews and Kylea Tink about poor parliamentary behaviour, the Greens say progress on enforce...

The Greens (NSW) postpone Annual General Meeting for Voice Referendum

12 September, 2023 - The Greens (NSW) have resolved to move their AGM which was planned to take place on the weekend now scheduled for the Voice Referendum. ...

Greens Secure Additional $3 Billion for Public Housing

11 September, 2023 - Greens pressure has secured an additional $3 billion in funding for Public and Community Housing through negotiations on the Federal Govern...

Transphobia has no place in our Parliament

11 September, 2023 - Greens MPs today joined the trans community and their allies on Parliament’s lawn condemning growing transphobia, homophobia and misogyny. ...

New territory plan centres climate action and quality homes

11 September, 2023 - The ACT Greens say nation-leading design guidelines now attached to the new Territory Plan will deliver a more beautiful, liveable, sustain...

Chilean Coup 50 years on. Greens Call for an Apology & Transparency.

11 September, 2023 - September 11th 2023 is the 50th anniversary of the military coup that brought dictator Augusto Pinochet to power in Chile.  In reco...

Wentworth Report a Red Alert for River Murray: Greens

8 September, 2023 - The Greens say today’s comprehensive 40-year study by the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists is a red alert for the health of...

ACT Government leadership acknowledged with Climate Innovation Award

8 September, 2023 - The ACT Government has won the Innovation Award at the Cities Power Partnership Climate Awards for our ‘Make Your Next Choice Electric’ web ...

Pollution of Royal National Park leads to prosecution of Peabody Metropolitan Colliery

8 September, 2023 - Peabody Metropolitan Colliery is facing up to $5 Million in fines following two major pollution incidents of Camp Gully Creek and the Hackin...

Canberra's first food strategy: Strengthening local production and community wellbeing

8 September, 2023 - Today, the ACT Government is releasing a Canberra first food strategy for community consultation. Minister for the Environment Rebecca Va...