
Changes to income support payments are tinkering around the edges of a broken system

20 September, 2023 - Today the new rates of income support payments that were announced at the federal budget come into effect. The government’s increase wil...

Great Koala National Park Funding falls $51.5 million short of promise

19 September, 2023 - The NSW Government has only committed $1.5 million in this year’s budget for the Great Koala National Park and $28.5 million out to 2027. T...

Brisbane Braces for Access to Dental Services Inquiry

19 September, 2023 - Senator Jordon Steele-John will chair a hearing of the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into the Provision of and Access to Dental Services ...


19 September, 2023 - Today the Albanese and Andrews governments announced an urgently needed redevelopment of public housing blocks will go ahead thanks to the ...

Greens launch plan to protect native forests and fight the climate crisis

19 September, 2023 - Senator Janet Rice: Our forests should be protected, not commodified. We need a permanent, national ban on native forest logging.

ACT Government to ban harmful wildlife fruit netting in move to protect native species

19 September, 2023 - Today, the ACT Government will introduce legislation to ban the use of harmful wildlife fruit netting in gardens across Canberra.  ...

Environment Minister Lawyers up with Coal Companies against Environment, Community: Greens

18 September, 2023 - "Minister Plibersek has one job as the Environment Minister, but rather than protecting the environment today, she is on the same side as c...

Dutton nuclear distraction from need to stop more coal and gas

18 September, 2023 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, commenting on the release of nuclear costings by the government, said today Peter Dutton’s exorbitant nuclear pi...

Police torment leads to death of Newcastle mother, calls for inquiry into police escalate

18 September, 2023 - The family of Newcastle woman Krista Kach who was killed by NSW Police in Newcastle last week have released a statement describing Ms Kach ...

“Not just a head knock”: Greens persist with push for new concussion rules after AFL ruling

15 September, 2023 - After the AFL Tribunal’s ruling in the Brayshaw-Maynard case this week, the Greens are calling on the Commonwealth to urgently act on the r...

Another death following police tasering: Police reform needed

15 September, 2023 - A 47 year old woman has died in John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle after being hit with a police taser in a unit at Stockton. This death fol...

Disability Royal Commission Closing Ceremony; the Albanese Government must urgently commit to meaningful action.

15 September, 2023 - Ahead of the formal conclusion of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability in Sydney o...

2024 to bring energy efficiency and liveable housing requirements for new ACT buildings

15 September, 2023 - New requirements for the building and construction industry to improve the energy efficiency and accessibility of new ACT buildings will no...


15 September, 2023 - The Victorian Greens are demanding the Andrew’s Government impose a 90-day a year cap on short stay listings after media reports emerged th...