
20 Questions with Christina Hobbs

8 May, 2016 - Emma Davidson Name: Christina Hobbs Age: 33 Role with the Greens: Senate Candidate for the ACT 1. What do you remember about your first election? ...

RFA Review Response Locks in Native Forest Destruction

7 May, 2016 - RFA Review Response Locks in Native Forest Destruction  The Tasmanian and Commonwealth governments’ response to the Review of the Tasmanian Region...

RFA Review Response Locks in Native Forest Destruction

7 May, 2016 - RFA Review Response Locks in Native Forest Destruction  The Tasmanian and Commonwealth governments’ response to the Review of the Tasmanian Region...

Government must stop stalling on marine protections in the West: Greens

7 May, 2016 - The Government must strengthen protection for Western Australian reefs and reinstate marine parks to help combat worsening coral bleaching, Austra...

Pontville secrecy must end

7 May, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Defence, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson says the Defence department must stop insisting that the identity of the buyer of the ...

Greens Welcome PrEP TGA Approval - Call on Government to List on PBS

6 May, 2016 - Greens Sexuality spokesperson Senator Robert Simms has welcomed the approval of PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) by the Therapeutic Goods Administr...

Super Sunday

6 May, 2016 - It’s time to rally thousands of Greens supporters across the state, and we need your help.   We have two thousand Greens supporters to call and ma...

Court ruling: Minister must provide safe, lawful abortion for Nauru rape victim

6 May, 2016 - The Australian Greens have welcomed the decision of the Federal Court, which has this evening ruled in favour of a Nauru rape victim who the Turnb...

Victorian solar users the winners under Greens battery storage plan

6 May, 2016 - Victorian solar users the winners under Greens battery storage plan Nearly 300,000 Victorian solar users would receive a 50 per cent refundable ta...

Greens amendments to Fines Reform legislation make it fairer and extend to victims of family violence

6 May, 2016 - The Greens amendments to make the fines system more fair and equitable for vulnerable people and to include victims of family violence received un...

Government climate body feels pressure to withhold recommendation for carbon pricing until after the election

6 May, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling for the release of a Climate Change Authority report recommending a carbon price, which the Authority decided to...

Greens submission calls for urgent action on land clearing laws

6 May, 2016 - 06/05/2016 Public submissions to the Queensland Parliamentary Committee inquiry into changes to land clearing laws have closed, with the Queenslan...

Cuts to mental health funding in the budget

6 May, 2016 - Senator RICE: I want to start with the overall portfolio budget statement for mental health. There appears to be a fall-off in mental health fundi...

Growth of housing, infrastructure and population

6 May, 2016 - Senator RICE: I am also interested in the level of growth. The statement says: As our economy transitions to broader‑based growth, near‑term econo...

Government climate body feels pressure to withhold recommendation for carbon pricing until after the election

6 May, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling for the release of a Climate Change Authority report recommending a carbon price, which the Authority decided to...