
Anglo’s Foxleigh mine sale another reason to act on rehab, despite mining lobby’s squeals

13 April, 2016 - 13/04/2016Reports that Anglo American is selling the Foxleigh coal mine at Middlemount to Sydney’s Taurus Fund Management is more evidence of t...

Peabody bankruptcy shows need for rehabilitation bonds and transition planning

13 April, 2016 - With Peabody filing for bankruptcy today in the US, the Queensland and New South Wales governments must urgently secure outstanding rehabilitat...

Scrapping Roe 8 will save $837 million: Greens

12 April, 2016 - The Turnbull Government could cut its losses today and save $837 million by scrapping the proposed Perth Freight Link, new costings by the Gree...

Latest Perth Freight Link proposal ignores the elephant in the room

12 April, 2016 - “The latest proposal to tunnel under White Gum Valley is as nonsensical as ploughing the Roe 8 freeway through the wetlands and ignores the ele...

The Federation Bike Trail must remain off road

12 April, 2016 - Greens call for the final section of the Federation Bike Trail to remain off-road, after revelations in the Western Distributor Business Case t...

“Energy poverty” hypocrisy exposed by new Adani company allegations

12 April, 2016 - 12/04/2016 Following allegations of electricity price gouging by the Adani company in India, the Greens re-iterated their call for the state La...

Keep Williamstown Hospital's Emergency Department Open

12 April, 2016 - Greens call to end the hospital funding political point scoring and for Williamstown Hospital Emergency Department to stay open. “Closing the W...

Greens launch SA clean energy plan to power the new economy and create jobs

11 April, 2016 - Greens leader Senator Richard Di Natale is visiting Adelaide today to announce the South Australian component of the Greens’ RenewAustralia pla...

Greens launch SA clean energy plan to power the new economy and create jobs

11 April, 2016 - Greens leader Senator Richard Di Natale is visiting Adelaide today to announce the South Australian component of the Greens’ RenewAustralia pla...

Welcome aboard high speed rail, PM Turnbull

11 April, 2016 - Welcome aboard high speed rail, PM Turnbull The Greens have welcomed reports that the Prime Minister has foreshadowed plans to progress east co...

Greens welcome East Timor conciliation proceedings

11 April, 2016 - The Australian Greens have welcomed moves by East Timor to commence United Nations conciliation proceedings related to the maritime boundary in...

Ward closures at Footscray Hospital show urgent need for redevelopment

10 April, 2016 - Victorian Greens call for urgent Footscray Hospital redevelopment funding in the 2016-17 Victorian Budget, after about 60 beds and three wards ...

Greens to end sports betting ad barrage

8 April, 2016 - Australian Greens leader and spokesperson on gambling and sport, Senator Richard Di Natale, was joined by Greens candidate for LaTrobe Tom Cummi...

Greens to move motion calling for Royal Commission into the Financial Sector

8 April, 2016 - When the Senate resumes the week commencing 18 April the Greens will again move a motion calling for the establishment of a Royal Commission int...

We are not the 1% - PT users dudded by Turnbull

8 April, 2016 - We are not the 1% - PT users dudded by Turnbull Victorians who want the choice of safe, fast and reliable public transport have been sold out by...