
Don’t punish students for poor government decisions: Greens

6 April, 2016 - The Australian Greens are urging the government to drop its deregulation agenda that seeks to punish students by hiking up the cost of universit...

Gov must strip Wilson Security of contracts

5 April, 2016 - Wilson Security should be stripped of their contracts for the offshore detention camps on Manus Island and Nauru after its poor corporate govern...

The removal of children from homes should not be taken lightly

5 April, 2016 - Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren has called for ‘cool heads’ in response to Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan’s comments that more children should be...

Governments must commit to securing survival of Whyalla steel industry

5 April, 2016 - Greens Senator for South Australia Robert Simms is in Whyalla today attending a public hearing for the Senate Inquiry into the Future of Austral...

Greens applaud Minister's support for bike safe passing distances

5 April, 2016 - Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren has applauded the Road Safety Minister's suggestion today that the Barnett Government 'is strongly considering' introdu...

Cashless welfare card forced on community that has no rehabilitation centre shows Government’s true colours

5 April, 2016 - It is unbelievable that a rehabilitation centre is seven hours away from a community forced onto the cashless welfare card which is supposed to ...

Greens celebrate record local Council results

4 April, 2016 - With the results of Queensland local council elections being declared, Senator Waters congratulated Queensland Greens members, volunteers and su...

Childcare package to leave hundreds of thousands worse off, needs work: Greens

4 April, 2016 - The government's childcare package will result in hundreds of thousands of families being worse off and will need to be amended, the Australian ...

Greens celebrate record local Council results

4 April, 2016 - 04/04/2016 With the results of Queensland local council elections being declared, Senator Waters congratulated Queensland Greens members, volunt...

Shorten must rule out Labor-Liberal preference deal

4 April, 2016 - Greens MP Adam Bandt has called on Bill Shorten to rule out preferencing the Liberals ahead of the Greens at the upcoming election. Mr Bandt sai...

Greens to phase out capital gains discount by 2020

4 April, 2016 - The Greens will phase out the 50 per cent capital gains tax discount to ease pressure on Australia’s unaffordable housing market, generating sav...

SA Labor’s Dodgy Nukes Laws Unnecessary

4 April, 2016 - The Greens have today filed amendments to the Government’s Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Public Money) Amendment Bill.  The Gree...

Labor and Liberal Parties’ reef hypocrisy both dangerous and insincere

3 April, 2016 - The Australian Greens condemn Queensland Labor’s reported decision this morning to approve mining leases for the Adani mega coal mine. “Despite ...

Dutton's deception 'deplorable': Greens

3 April, 2016 - The Australian Greens have called on the Immigration Minister Peter Dutton to rule out sending any children currently in Australia back to Nau...

Greens support Uni’s decision over ‘invasion’

2 April, 2016 - Friday, 1 April Aboriginal Affairs Minister Peter Collier continues to fail Aboriginal people by denying the truth of Australia’s settlement, ac...