
Stubborn WA Premier just can’t take a hint

22 January, 2016 - It's long past the moment he could do so graciously, but the WA Premier needs to give up his monomaniacal Roe 8 push instead of wasting more ...

Communities standing up to attacks on forests

21 January, 2016 - Communities standing up to attacks on forests 2016 has begun with battles to protect some of south east Australia’s most precious forests, wi...

Auto lifeline a chance to jumpstart green car future

21 January, 2016 - Auto lifeline a chance to jumpstart green car future The Greens say the prospect of Belgian automotive company Punch International buying GM ...

Auto lifeline a chance to jumpstart green car future

21 January, 2016 - Auto lifeline a chance to jumpstart green car future The Greens say the prospect of Belgian automotive company Punch International buying GM ...

Same-sex marriages performed overseas must be recognised

20 January, 2016 - The Australian Greens have called on the Federal Government to recognise same-sex marriages performed overseas following disturbing news that...

Qld Nickel should have been made to pay for job-intensive rehabilitation of site up front

20 January, 2016 - 20/01/2016 Revelations that the state government failed to secure a bond for the rehabilitation of the Qld Nickel are deeply disappointi...

Marriage Equality and Sexuality Update - January 2016

20 January, 2016 - This edition of the Marriage Equality and Sexuality Update e-newsletter covers Senator Simms' first speech, the Greens' Wedding Crashers camp...

Greens push for inquiry into V/line failures

20 January, 2016 - Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber says he will push for a parliamentary inquiry into the V/line rail debacle. “This is a major meltdown. No...

Qld Nickel should have been made to pay for job-intensive rehabilitation of site up front

20 January, 2016 - Revelations that the state government failed to secure a bond for the rehabilitation of the Qld Nickel are deeply disappointing. "It's disgra...

Urban canopies plan is yet another Turnbull band-aid on an Abbott severed limb

19 January, 2016 - The urban canopies proposal is yet another token Turnbull gesture attempting to disguise the massive damage done in recent Liberal budgets, t...

Sexism almost everywhere most Australians believe

19 January, 2016 - Polling by Essential Research, out today, shows most Australians believe sexism and discrimination against women are widespread. “Clearly Aus...

World class cycling destination needs world class infrastructure

19 January, 2016 - Greens Senator Robert Simms has called for federal government funds to improve South Australia's cycling infrastructure, as the state once ag...

People power stops sexist 'pick up artist’ tour

19 January, 2016 - 19/01/2016 The Australian Greens congratulate the online community campaign that has successfully put a stop to Real Social Dynamics’ Au...

People power stops sexist ‘pick up artist’ tour

19 January, 2016 - The Australian Greens congratulate the online community campaign that has successfully put a stop to Real Social Dynamics' Australian tour or...

TURC reports should be available to all MPs or none at all

19 January, 2016 - TURC reports should be available to all MPs or none at all The Greens have said that if access to the secretive sixth volume of the Royal Com...