
Greens back Fund Our Future campaign for outer suburbs

1 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens have thrown support behind a plan that ensures people living in the expanding outer suburbs of Australia’s capital citi...

Turnbull’s first priority to attack people’s rights at work: Greens

1 February, 2016 - Greens Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said Malcolm Turnbull’s first priority is attacking people’s rights at work afte...

Time to legalise Uber

1 February, 2016 - Greens transport spokesperson Samantha Dunn says it’s time for the Victorian Government to get on with legalising ride sharing service Uber. ...

No place for Return of Kings’ promotion of sexual violence

1 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens strongly condemn the online group Return of Kings' promotion of sexual violence and their pathetic attempt to hold on t...

#estimates - Leach tank failure at Ranger

1 February, 2016 - Senator LUDLAM: I have a couple of questions about the investigation into the leach tank failure at Ranger, and then a couple about rehabilit...

Greens back Fund Our Future campaign for outer suburbs

1 February, 2016 - Greens back Fund Our Future campaign for outer suburbs The Australian Greens have thrown support behind a plan that ensures people living in ...

Time for the Prime Minister to listen to the people

31 January, 2016 - Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull should listen to his electorate and the broader community and grant a free vote on marriage equality in the P...

AFMA should stop making excuses for the Geelong Star and send it home now

30 January, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Fisheries, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson says that with the Geelong Star leaving another trail of dead protected marine ...

Tightening DSP eligibility will make things harder for people with disability who need our support

29 January, 2016 - The Government’s plans to reduce the number of people over 35 on the Disability Support Pension after targeting young people shows a full sca...

Izzy really serious?

29 January, 2016 - The Australian Greens have welcomed Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's interest in addressing the homelessness crisis, after he launch...

90 per cent say global warming hurting Great Barrier Reef – govts need to listen

29 January, 2016 - 29/01/2016 A James Cook University study out today shows Australians care deeply for our Great Barrier Reef and are concerned about its ...

90% say global warming hurting Great Barrier Reef – governments need to listen

29 January, 2016 - A James Cook University study out today shows Australians care deeply for our Great Barrier Reef and are concerned about its future. "Austral...

Tightening DSP eligibility will make things harder for people with disability who need our support

29 January, 2016 - The Government’s plans to reduce the number of people over 35 on the Disability Support Pension after targeting young people shows a full sca...

Time for Turnbull to stand up to Abbott on Marriage Equality

29 January, 2016 - The Australian Greens say it is time for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to stand up to Tony Abbott and dump the costly and divisive plebisci...