
Australia's coal obsession threatens Australian workers and global climate efforts

1 December, 2015 - The Turnbull Government's obsession with coal undermines the global momentum in Paris, and threatens the health of Australian workers. "It wa...

Senate supports inquiry into aged care workforce as Australian population ages

1 December, 2015 - Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has secured senate support for an inquiry that will investigate the future of Australia’s aged care ...

PM Turnbull must ditch attacks on ARENA & CEFC, double their budgets instead: Greens

1 December, 2015 - Responding to news that the Turnbull government has committed to double research & development investment on clean energy over the next five ...

The ABC of #estimates

1 December, 2015 - The ABC is developing industry leading multimedia platforms. how are they attracting skilled staff to maintain that edge? And why isn't the g...

Citizenship changes will not make Australians safer

1 December, 2015 - The imminent passage of the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance to Australia) Bill 2015 will do nothing to protect Australians from ...

Greens Slam Labor/ Liberal University Cuts

1 December, 2015 - The Greens have slammed the Government and Labor for banding together and exhuming Labor's 2013 higher education cuts, leaving students in t...

Senate supports inquiry into aged care workforce as Australian population ages

1 December, 2015 - Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has secured senate support for an inquiry that will investigate the future of Australia’s aged care ...

Malcolm Turnbull: Pretender in Paris, but clean energy slasher at home

1 December, 2015 - Greens Energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP said today that while Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has committed to double clean energy research ...

Synergy plan to make solar less viable

1 December, 2015 - Wednesday, 13 August Plans by Synergy to charge solar panel customers more to connect to the grid than others is unfair and unrealistic, acco...

Labor and Government join to cut family payments to coupled families with kids over 13

30 November, 2015 - It is extremely disappointing that the Labor party has helped pass legislation that takes payments away from low income couples with childre...

Senate calls on Government to boost availability of HIV prevention drug, PrEP

30 November, 2015 - The Senate has passed a motion by Greens Senator Robert Simms calling on the Government to increase the accessibility of HIV-prevention drug...

Government should give up on throwing young people off income support

30 November, 2015 - The Australian Greens have tabled a dissenting report reaffirming their opposition to the Social Security bill that if passed will force you...

Labor and Government join to cut family payments to coupled families with kids over 13

30 November, 2015 - It is extremely disappointing that the Labor party has helped pass legislation that takes payments away from low income couples with childre...

BP must be held to account in NOPSEMA hearings.

30 November, 2015 - Australian Greens Senator for South Australia, Robert Simms, said BP must be held to account for their shocking environmental record and poo...