
Innovation Statement welcome, but not enough to replace massive research cuts

7 December, 2015 - The Greens broadly welcome the Turnbull Government’s Innovation Statement, however it does not repair the huge damage done to the science and...

Government should listen to Mick Gooda’s healthy welfare card concerns

7 December, 2015 - The Government should listen to concerns expressed in the Social Justice and Native Title Report 2015 and reconsider the rollout of the cashl...

Christmas Toy Drive 2015

7 December, 2015 - When you're doing your Christmas shopping this year, please spare a thought for the children who won't be celebrating because they're locked ...

Paying for interstate generation makes no sense

7 December, 2015 - Monday, 07 December WA Greens energy spokesperson slams the government for talk of funding large-scale renewable generation projects over eas...

Innovation Statement welcome, but not enough to replace massive research cuts

7 December, 2015 - The Greens broadly welcome the Turnbull Government’s Innovation Statement, however it does not repair the huge damage done to the science and...

Government should listen to Mick Gooda’s healthy welfare card concerns

7 December, 2015 - The Government should listen to concerns expressed in the Social Justice and Native Title Report 2015 and reconsider the rollout of the cashl...

Nuclear waste shipping debacle: no end in sight

7 December, 2015 - A ‘flag of convenience' vessel registered in Antigua and chartered by a French company arriving in the dead of night to unload Australian nuc...

Innovation statement wasted opportunity for electric cars in SA

7 December, 2015 -  Australian Greens Senator for South Australia, Robert Simms, has decried the lack of funding for electric vehicles in South Australia as a w...

Help us tell our story

7 December, 2015 - John Twyman The Greens is a party intrinsically dedicated to the principle of grassroots participatory democracy. It underpins who we are and...

Thank you for your support

7 December, 2015 - Giz Watson and Penny Allman-Payne (Australian Greens Co-Convenors) As the festive season approaches it's time to reflect on the year and sen...

Conscious Giving

7 December, 2015 - Emma Davidson This November and December, Australians are expected to spend $46.7b in retail stores, according to the Australian Retailers As...

Summer Reads from Greens MPs

6 December, 2015 - Emma Davidson and Rosanne Bersten Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari After a three-year, 30,000-mile journey, journalist Johann Hari shares ...

Caring for refugee children

5 December, 2015 - Dr R Pryor As the children of Asian migrants to Australia, my siblings and I were lucky. Born to educated parents, well loved, fed and dresse...

Citizenship Bill Third Reading Speech

4 December, 2015 - Violent extremism is a global problem, and it demands global cooperation to resolve. What it does not need is unilateralism, and this bill is...

Give the workers on the MV Portland the Christmas they deserve

4 December, 2015 - I move that the Senate take note of the answer given by the Minister for Tourism and International Education (Senator Colbeck) to a question ...