9 November, 2014 - Senator Penny Wright
Again a huge year for the Australian Greens and my team, working in my portfolio areas of legal affairs, mental health,...
9 November, 2014 - Catherine Garner
This year the work of the Policy Coordinating Committee (AGPCC) has focused on finalizing the first round of key priorities,...
9 November, 2014 - As Tony Abbott’s brutal agenda becomes clearer, one thing is obvious: the Greens are the true alternative to the Abbott Government.
By Ada...
9 November, 2014 - Senator Scott Ludlam
Looking back over the last 12 months it is hard to imagine how much the country has changed in the intervening period. ...
9 November, 2014 - Maiy Azize
It has been another a busy year for the Australian Greens, and the role of National Secretary continues to evolve. This year, the ...
5 November, 2014 - Coal is good for humanity, coal is good for prosperity, coal is an essential part of our economic future, here in Australia, and right around...
3 November, 2014 - Christine Cunningham
With National Conference just a week away, and where the elections for the new leaders of our party will be decided, th...
3 November, 2014 - Dear Australian Greens,
My name is Dejan Stefanovic. I am a mining engineer, born in Serbia and migrated to Australia in 2006 under a Skilled...
3 November, 2014 - Heather Bruer
Last July Palmer and the government tore down our scheme which required the polluter to pay. Under that scheme Mr Palmer's comp...
21 October, 2014 - Greens leaders
On the passing of Gough Whitlam
by Christine Milne
This is a significant moment for Australia as we remember Gough Whitlam and...
20 October, 2014 - Grahame Bowland
The last two years have been a roller coaster for the Greens WA, with five campaigns following closely upon one another — a s...
20 October, 2014 - Senator Christine Milne
The decision by ANU to end its investment in fossil fuels is a bellwether moment for Australia. It's democracy up aga...
20 October, 2014 - Ben Moroney and Eliza June
Greetings from your new co-convenors, Ben and Eliza. First, we want to thank you for electing us. You are placing ...
18 October, 2014 - “The Assembly has made a clear statement to the Federal Parliament that it is time that to repeal this out-of-date restriction - which was im...
15 October, 2014 - As part of the Parliamentary Agreement signed with the ACT Greens, the ACT Government will now seek expressions of interest from builders, de...