
Bentley: I'm energised

1 June, 2014 - Jonathan Cassell           Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, its the only thing that...

Obituary: Michael Denborough

1 June, 2014 - Liz Denborough Michael studied medicine in Cape Town South Africa and as part of his training went to treat people in the black townships. Later ...

Keeping up the momentum

29 April, 2014 - The Senate by-election has finally reached its zenith and we are so thrilled that Scott Ludlam will keep his place in the Senate. Over the past...

Australia's luckiest politician

29 April, 2014 - This month I am embracing the title of Australia's luckiest politician; not because of the reasons put forward by the journalist who originally...

Green Institute update

29 April, 2014 - Defending universal health care 8 pm Tuesday 6 May Colin Jacobs, Health Policy Adviser to Richard Di Natale The Abbott government's Health Mini...

ACT Greens celebrate move ‘Beyond the Binary’

20 March, 2014 -  “The ACT Greens are proud to support these pioneering changes which remove historical discrimination against sex and gender diverse peopl...

From the co-conveners — March

20 March, 2014 - I write this on St Patrick's Day and reflect upon a very intense weekend just passed. Two state elections, with such contrasting results but bo...

Other news

20 March, 2014 - CONSTITUTION REVIEW This year the Australian Greens are reviewing our national constitution. Since the Australian Greens were established in 19...

From the Global Greens

20 March, 2014 - 1. Asia Pacific Greens Federation (APGF)The APGF is currently looking at ways that the structure, constitution and rules, as well as membership...

The wild, wild west

20 March, 2014 - Greetings from the wild west: the WA by-election campaign is well and truly on, and what a massive effort it is. The tortuous path from appeals...


20 March, 2014 - Senator-elect Janet Rice's Office Senator-elect Janet Rice invites applications for the following positions, which commence 1 July 2014.  All p...

Building contract announced for Common Ground project: ACT Greens

28 February, 2014 - St Hilliers Property has been selected to build one of Canberra’s most significant projects to address homelessness, Common Ground, announce...

ACT Greens put an end to cage egg production after almost 20 years

25 February, 2014 - “In 1996, the ACT Greens presented their first bill in the ACT Legislative Assembly to outlaw the production and sale of battery cage eggs.&...

Power to the people

23 February, 2014 - Community organising builds power through gathering people with shared interests to take collective action. This approach recognises that si...


23 February, 2014 - four-week national action strategy Week 1 Recruitment stage; talk to 5 friends who are not Green voters about why you're voting Green Week 2...