Hi, I’m Amy.
I was proud to be elected as the Member for South Brisbane in the 2020 State Election. I am the Queensland Greens’ spokesperson for treasury, essential services, housing and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partnerships. You can see the full list of my portfolios here.
The results in South Brisbane are down to our massive ground campaign, with thousands of volunteers delivering our powerful message, chatting to people at their doors and on the phone. Because at the heart of our movement is the belief that when everyday people work together, when we connect on the issues that matter to us, we are powerful. More powerful than big money, more powerful than big corporations, more powerful than the major parties. And in South Brisbane - after the seat was held by Queensland Labor for 40 years - people made their voices heard.
As your Member for South Brisbane, I’m fighting for fully funded schools, and investment in parkland and public transport. I’m fighting for 100% publicly-owned clean energy and new jobs in construction and manufacturing. I’m fighting for an economic recovery where we finally make multinational mining corporations pay their fair share in royalties to fully fund health and education and create jobs building public housing.
I am a carer and I live in East Brisbane. I’ve worked in community engagement in the local government sector, working to make sure that communities have a real say on issues that affect their lives.
I look forward to working together to achieve our vision for South Brisbane.