Beau Pett

Candidate for Gladstone

Hi, my name is Beau Pett and I am excited to be your Greens candidate for the seat of Gladstone in the upcoming state election. 

For as long as I can remember I have been passionate about making a change and not waiting for someone else to do it. That is why I became a public high school teacher. Since 2017, I have proudly called Gladstone home. I moved here to start my teaching career at a local public high school and have loved it ever since. I am also a volunteer in our community and a proud unionist.

I know Gladstone is a great place to live but right now, locals are suffering. I see first-hand the impact of government underfunding on our public schools and the strain it puts on students and families. Rents, mortgages, bills, and the cost of basic groceries are out of control, while big corporations and billionaires continue to rake in record profits. As Gladstone residents, we often see those big profits leave our ports but see few of the benefits. Our community deserves well-funded essential services like schools and hospitals, affordable housing, cheaper groceries, and a healthy environment— the things we all need for a good life. 

Rents are too damn high. The rental inflation is reaching heights not seen since the global financial crisis, and it is expected to stay this way until 2026. We are in need of an urgent rent freeze and ongoing cap on rent increases, and to build good quality public homes. This means every Queenslander has a secure place to call home. 

Everyday people are being pushed out of the housing market. I want Queenslanders to make their dream of owning their own home a reality. A key initiative from the Greens in this state election is to establish a Queensland Public Bank, providing affordable loans for housing, businesses, and public infrastructure. This will break the stranglehold of big banks and redirect profits back into the community, ensuring that everyday Queenslanders benefit—not just the wealthy few.

Right now, politics is failing our community. We need a strong public hospital system that ensures everyone has access to high-quality care when they need it, whether it’s during giving birth, a major accident, or a life-changing health crisis. We aim to invest in a strong public hospital system that provides healthcare for everyone and we want to clear public hospital waiting lists.

Coles and Woolies have too much control. With your vote, the Greens will deliver price reductions at the grocery checkout by breaking up the supermarket duopoly. Unlike Labor and the LNP, the Greens don’t take corporate donations, so we work for you, not vested interests

People are losing faith in a political system that favours two major parties who overwhelmingly listen to large corporate interests over the needs of everyday citizens. The time for change is now. We can have fully funded public education and healthcare, frozen rents, affordable housing and clean energy - all by making rich corporations finally pay their fair share in tax. 

It’s my firm belief that Gladstone deserves a representative who’ll fight for everyday people and what they need to live a good life. Together, we can transform Queensland politics and deliver a better life for everyday Queenslanders.

Will you help me? If you want to fundamentally transform politics in Queensland, this time, vote Greens.