Benjamin Tiley

Candidate for Townsville

Nice to meet you! My name’s Ben and I’m proud to be your Greens candidate for Townsville.

I am 19 years old, born in Darwin, and I’ve lived in Townsville since 2011. Growing up here is a unique experience and one that I cherish. I have many happy memories of the people, nature and community that makes our city the best in Queensland. Having been a candidate at the council elections back in March, I know the issues that are important to us and hope that together we can make our city better than ever.

I’m running for Parliament because it’s time to breathe some fresh air into local politics. Our community needs a genuine representative that will work with you to help us thrive. I’ll bring a fresh perspective and energy to Townsville and will advocate for better outcomes for all of us

The Greens will take on the big corporations that are ripping off Queenslanders. We’ll make them pay their fair share and use that money to build 100,000 public homes, fully fund schools, free childcare, hospitals and essential services. We’ll also freeze rents and cap increases. 

We’ll make groceries cheaper by breaking up the duopoly power of Coles and Woolies and stopping corporate price gouging for essentials.

We’ll stop new coal and gas mines and move away from fossil fuels with a fair transition for workers in these industries. We’ll cut power bills with 100% publicly owned renewable energy, and take back control of our economy by bringing key infrastructure and services into public ownership

We’ll create genuinely free and frequent public transport, with more reliable bus services to give you the freedom to get to work, school, and play. 

The major parties’ “tough on crime” attitude has failed. Only the Greens have real solutions to our youth justice issues. We must prevent crime from occurring in the first place by breaking the cycle of poverty and harm in our communities, alongside fully funding early intervention for those most vulnerable. 

This election, we have an opportunity to see action on what matters. The Greens don’t take donations from big corporations, which means I only represent you and your needs - not wealthy donors.

I’m super excited to get to work and learn about your concerns and how I can best represent you.