Deklan Green

Candidate for Murrumba

Hi, I’m Deklan and I’m proud to be your candidate for Murrumba. 

I’ve called Kallangur home all my life, with my amazing family. I’m a unionist and advocate in the retail sector, helping to educate my co-workers and other workers about their rights.

I’ve always been passionate about helping people get a fair go. When I was 16, I joined the Retail And Fast Food Workers Union and was introduced to the world of industrial law and the importance of union representation. When I was 17, I was facilitating enterprise bargaining in my workplace. 

Right now, Labor and the LNP are letting big corporations rip us off. The Greens are different; we don’t take donations from big corporations so we represent you, not vested interests. As your MP, I will listen to your needs and fight for you

The Greens will take on the big corporations that are ripping off Queenslanders. We’ll cap rents and tax big corporations fairly to build 100,000 public homes. We’ll also use that money to fully fund schools, free childcare, hospitals and essential services

I’m passionate about creating fee-free and fully funded public education including childcare, kindy, public schools, and TAFE. It’s time to ease the burden on families by covering all public school costs, fees, excursions, tablets and laptops.

I had the privilege of attending Dakabin State High School for all my high school years and it was a fantastic experience. Unfortunately, like most Queenslanders, I can see the rising gap between underfunded public schools and over-funded private ones! I will fight hard to ensure every Queenslander can send their kids to school for an engaging education and not have to worry about a cent

The Greens will make groceries cheaper by breaking up the duopoly power of Coles and Woolies and stopping corporate price gouging for essentials. We’ll stop new coal and gas mines and move away from fossil fuels with a fair transition for workers. 

We’ll cut power bills with 100% publicly owned renewable energy, and take back control of our economy by bringing key infrastructure and services into public ownership. 

We’ll create free and frequent public transport: with more frequent and reliable train and bus services to get you where you need to go, and reduce congestion. 

This election is our chance to work together to create real change and give Queenslanders everything they need to live a good life. Let’s do this!