Hunter Grove-McGrath

Candidate for Burleigh

Hi, I’m Hunter, and I’m excited to be your Greens Candidate for Burleigh in the Queensland State Election.

I am an engineering student and a proud Gold Coaster. I grew up in Burleigh - I went to school and worked here. During this time, I have seen the city I know and love change and I know we need people in Parliament who will fight for us and what we need.

Too often we see Labor and the LNP prioritise the vested interests of their rich corporate donor mates ahead of the needs of our community.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

As your representative, I will fight to ease the enormous cost of living pressures felt by families and everyday people in my community. The Greens will introduce a rent freeze and cap increases, tackle mortgage stress and the rising costs of essentials like groceries and power bills. We'll introduce free public transport and increase the frequency and reliability of services.

We will tax big corporations fairly and use that money to build 100,000 homes and make our schools and healthcare truly free

We will fight to ensure that there are no new coal and gas mines opened in Queensland and create a fair transition for workers in this industry. The science is clear - we must move towards 100% publicly owned renewable energy sources to prevent the worst of the climate crisis. Not only will this benefit the climate, but it will also benefit your wallet with cheaper power bills.

This election is our chance to show the major parties that we are tired of the status quo and that real change is not just possible, but here. Will you join me?