Jade Whitla

Candidate for Lytton

Hi, I’m Jade and I’m thrilled to be your Greens candidate for Lytton.

I passionately believe positive change is possible. We live in a bountiful state, and together we can ensure everyone has access to everything we need to live our best lives.

I’m a graduate of the Australian Defence Force Academy, a scientist, former Air Force officer and software architect of the ground-breaking Queensland internet start-up, Wotif.com. I am adaptable, innovative and get stuff done.

For the past 16 years I have lived in Wynnum, raising a child and running my own home business as a software developer.

In my years here, interacting with and getting to know so many of you through school parenting, weekend sports, socialising and shopping locally, I have heard your concerns and developed a keen understanding of the lack of support so many people face in the housing, healthcare and education systems

Right now, it’s clear people have lost faith in a political system focused on putting the interests of a few big corporations and property investors ahead of the rest of us

But there is hope

Unlike Labor and the LNP, the Greens don’t take corporate donations - so we work for you, not vested interests. 

When we harness the collective power of everyday people we can fundamentally transform politics. We can have high quality and genuinely free healthcare and education from childcare to university and TAFE. We can invest in crucial public infrastructure like public transport, renewable energy, and affordable housing. We can freeze rents and cap increases, make groceries cheaper by stopping price gouging on essentials and cut power bills with renewable energy.

We can achieve all of this when we make super-wealthy corporations pay their fair share.

I’m fighting to win Lytton so that together, we can transform Queensland politics and deliver a better life for everyday Queenslanders. Will you help me?