Josh Holt

Candidate for Cairns

Hi, I’m Josh and I’m excited to be your Greens candidate for Cairns.


I’m proud that I’m able to call Cairns home. Like most people in FNQ, I love getting out into nature, whether that be hiking, or swimming in one of our pristine local water holes. 

We are lucky that we live in a truly special part of Australia, nestled between the rainforest and the reef. Cairns is full of community spirit and hardworking small businesses. I am passionate about protecting this tropical lifestyle from the rising cost of living, the housing crisis, and the effects of climate change.

People are losing faith in a political system that favours two major parties who overwhelmingly listen to large corporate interests over the needs of everyday citizens. Together, we can change this and make sure that politics is led by people with compassion for our local communities. 

We can make sure that we keep energy costs low through a transition to locally produced renewable energy, which is a perfect opportunity to reduce carbon emissions and the cost of energy, shifting power away from large corporations back to local communities. We can make sure that healthcare is properly funded. We can make sure we have access to universal education, and free and reliable public transport. 

I’ve seen firsthand so many of my peers struggle with the rental crisis and rising cost of living. I’ve worked in industries including the performing arts, hospitality, retail, the Australian Defence Force, and the education sector. I currently work in arts admin, and I am an active volunteer around Cairns. In my spare time I love performing in and supporting the amazing music and theatre scenes of Cairns.

I’m proud of the fact that the Greens do not accept donations from large corporations. These corporations are making record profits, while things are getting worse for us. It is crucial that we change politics so it is about the needs and rights of people, social support services and the environment. 

I’m looking forward to meeting many of you, the wonderful people around Cairns, and working with you to empower your lives.