Joshua Riethmuller

Candidate for Logan

Hi, I'm Josh and I am your candidate for Logan.

I believe everyone should have access to all the things they need to have a good life. Unfortunately, the greed of corporations and poor policy from successive governments has led to social inequality and a cost of living crisis where families have to choose whether to put food on the table or pay the rent.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

As the member for Logan, I will listen to your needs and speak for you in Parliament.

The Greens will freeze rents, cap increases and build 100,000 new homes - funded by making big corporations pay their fair share

We’ll expand Queensland's publicly owned builder, QBuild and create a Queensland State Bank with lower rates and no fees, delivering around 1.5% lower interest rates compared to the Big 4 - making it easier to buy a home.

Healthcare is a basic human right and I will fight to ensure bulk billing GPs are easy to find again. Everyone in Logan should have access to the medical services they need, when they need them, for free. The Greens have a plan for 20 free psychology sessions per person, which would provide huge support for our community.

Logan struggles with a lack of access to regular and reliable public transport. I will fight to change this and ensure our community has access to transport that is genuinely free and frequent. Keeping cars off the roads will also help ease congestion on the roads and reduce pollution. 

This can all be funded by making big corporations pay their fair share. For too long, these multinational corporations have profited off our resources while paying tiny royalties. The Greens will take on these big corporations that are ripping off Queenslanders. This revenue will mean our schools and healthcare can be genuinely free and we can all have access to the things we need to live a good life.

Together we can make Logan a place where people are able to thrive with fairness and equality at the heart of every decision. Let’s show the government what is possible when we stand together.