Hello, my name is Navdeep and I'm your Greens candidate for the Senate.
I am a Mechanical Engineer with a Graduate Certificate in Environmental Engineering and have worked in technical and management roles both in Australia and overseas.
I started calling Queensland my home in 2007. Since then, I have been through a very steep learning curve. I was made redundant in one job after another. Finally, after declining a job offer from a prestigious mining company, I used a small investment to start my own mechanic business.
Like most of us, I work hard to pay the bills. We’re all either paying our own mortgage or someone else’s. We live in a resource-rich lucky country, and we are one of the least densely populated developed nations. But we are paying the most expensive house prices. Somehow the moment developers touch the land, they become billionaires, and everyday people like you and me become debt-ridden. This is why I'm so excited about the Greens plan to build enough affordable public homes that nobody goes homeless.
I have the first-hand experience of life as an everyday person who has seen rejection and worked my way up by hard work and managing my finances smartly. It was this feeling of being neglected by out of touch elected representatives that drove me to be politically involved. I am committed to bringing the voices of everyday people to the decision-making table.
We can have dental and mental healthcare covered by Medicare. We can have truly free public education and training - from early childcare, through TAFE and university. These basics help lift people out of poverty and build a better life.
With your vote for the Greens in the Senate, we can build a future for all of us, not just the few.