Sue Etheridge

Candidate for Fairfax

I'm Sue, and I'm thrilled to be returning as your Greens candidate for Fairfax, on Gubbi Gubbi country.

I’m a small business owner and have extensive experience in banking, finance, accounting, and business management.

Born in Tara, I was raised on a sheep and wheat property, and moved to the Coast permanently over 40 years ago. I reside on rural acreage in the hinterland with my extended family and a menagerie of animals.

Right now, our community is struggling. Soaring house prices and mortgages, skyrocketing rents, and the high cost of living are making it harder for everyone.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

With more Greens in Parliament, we can fight for the things that truly matter to you. We’ll make sure everyone has access to the essentials for a good life.

1 in 3 big corporations pay no tax in Australia. The Greens will hold these big corporations accountable, making them pay their fair share. We'll use that revenue to wipe student debt, fully fund public schools, put mental health and dental care into Medicare, and bring Centrelink payments above the poverty line.

We’ll address the cost-of-living crisis head-on-by freezing rents and capping increases and regulating the banks to provide cheaper mortgages, and put a ban on price gouging at the supermarkets to make food cheaper. We’ll bring back free visits to the GP, and bring essential services back into public hands so they work for people, not profits.

Neither Labor nor the LNP are taking meaningful action to reduce emissions or address the growing threat of man-made climate change. Their continued support for fossil fuels, despite global climate commitments, shows a lack of real urgency and ambition to solve the crisis.

I believe we deserve representatives who will fight for people, not their wealthy donors. Unlike Labor and the LNP, the Greens don’t accept donations from big corporations, which means I’m here to represent you, not vested interests.

As your Greens representative, I will listen to our community and work tirelessly to make sure that everyone in Fairfax has the opportunity to have a good life and that no one is left behind.

Will you join me in making this change a reality?

Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes. Real change starts with your vote.