Tracey Nayler

Candidate for Bundamba

Hi, my name is Tracey and I’m your Greens candidate for Bundamba.

I am passionate about social and environmental justice and have been highly engaged in grassroots community campaigning for ten years and an activist for forty, getting involved in my teens when nuclear waste dumps were proposed for our region.

Right now, it’s clear people are losing faith in a political system focused on putting the interests of a few big corporations and property investors ahead of the rest of us, our communities and our environmental wellbeing.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

People-powered movements are the key to changing our circumstances. When we harness the collective power of everyday people, we can fundamentally transform politics. We can have high quality and genuinely free education and healthcare. We can invest in crucial public infrastructure like public transport, renewable energy, and affordable housing.

We can achieve all of this if we just make the big corporations and property investors pay their fair share.

The Greens will take on the big corporations that are ripping off Queenslanders. We’ll make them pay their fair share and use that money to build 100,000 public homes, fully fund schools, free childcare, hospitals and essential services. We’ll also freeze rents and cap increases.

The Greens will make groceries cheaper by breaking up the duopoly power of Coles and Woolies and stopping corporate price gouging for essentials. We’ll cut power bills with 100% publicly owned renewable energy, and take back control of our economy by bringing key infrastructure and services into public ownership

As a local representative, I am committed to meeting you where you are – right in our community, listening to you, and amplifying and elevating your voices to make change for the better and a future for us all. The Greens don’t take corporate donations like Labor and the LNP, so as your representative I’ll fight for you - not vested interests

Join my campaign and be a part of this positive change.