Wen Li

Candidate for Bonner

I’m Wen Li and I'm excited to be your candidate for Bonner.

I’m a husband and father, and I’ve been proud to call Brisbane's southside my home for over 16 years as a first-generation immigrant. I’m passionate about education and social justice, which has driven me to pursue a Bachelor of Laws (Honours), and currently, I’m working on my Master of International Law.

I’ve also had the opportunity to run various small businesses, from retail to international trade. My experience spans both the public and private sectors, particularly in health and education, and I’m committed to making a positive impact in my community.

Our community is struggling - the lack of affordable housing, massive rent increases and mortgage payments, are supercharging the homelessness crisis. Grocery prices are skyrocketing and wages are not keeping up with inflation. This is all happening against the backdrop of increasing natural disasters caused by climate change.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

The Greens will tax big corporations fairly and use that money to build hundreds of thousands of good quality homes through a public property developer, make our schools and healthcare genuinely free, and stop supermarket price gouging. Plus we’ll put an end to new coal, oil and gas projects to tackle the climate crisis

If you want things to change, the first step is voting for someone who will fight for you. Someone who doesn't take millions from big corporations.

This election, vote Greens.