The Australian Greens helps to support the development of new and emerging green parties in the Asia-Pacific region through a variety of mechanisms, one of which is the Australian Political Parties for Democracy Program (APPDP).
The APPDP was established by the Federal Government in 2005 to fund major political parties to further the development of political party systems in partner countries. The Australian Greens were added to this program in 2010 and we currently receive a budget of $200,000 per annum.
Our program is administered by the Australian Greens’ International Development Committee (AG-IDC) which comprises party members from across Australia. We also employ a part-time International Development Coordinator to organise these activities.
In the Asia Pacific region we assist Greens parties and organisations, principally in developing countries, to improve their capacity to participate in their democratic political processes at all levels of government — many for the first time.
Grants and mentoring
Asia Pacific Greens Federation
At the 2015 Congress the APGF Constitution was officially adopted. In 2016 APGF expanded to include parties from the Middle East and there are currently 18 member and associate member parties in APGF.