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Why the NT is the next Green battleground

26 August, 2022 - The Northern Territory is on the frontline of Australia’s climate crisis, exacerbated by a Territory government unbothered by the devastating ...

A pre-parliament update from Adam

22 July, 2022 - The path towards a different climate future is ours. The government just has to make the choice to take it. By Adam Bandt This week we c...

Building a living practice of democracy

22 July, 2022 - All around the world, communities are living by new models of change-making that are dissolving and distributing power. In this excerpt from his...

Now more than ever, our global gender equity work matters

22 July, 2022 - As a party, we work to create a better world for everyone – and that doesn’t stop at home. Over the past three years, the Australian Greens’ Int...

Our bodies, our choice

22 July, 2022 - The erosion of gender equality, social support and democratic integrity by conservative governments across the world over the past decade is a r...

Developing a Greens’ position on fighting antisemitism

24 June, 2022 - As a party fundamentally opposed to all forms of bigotry and discrimination, the Greens must have a clear framework for understanding and combat...

Free Assange

24 June, 2022 - The UK’s decision to extradite Julian Assange to the US has sickening consequences: for Julian, for his family, and for press freedom around the...

Greensland: what changed in the ‘conservative state’

24 June, 2022 - The recent federal election result was the best in the Greens’ history – in particular in Queensland, which gained an additional Senate seat and...

Reflections on National Conference

24 June, 2022 - For the first time in more than two years, the Australian Greens held our National Conference in person. And while it was amazing to celebrate o...

The most powerful third force

24 June, 2022 - together, we have just done something amazing: we have recorded our best result ever. In his address to the Australian Greens National Conf...

Vale Melva Truchanas: Champion of Wild Tasmania

24 June, 2022 - A champion of the Tasmanian wilderness and a stalwart of the campaign to save and restore Lake Pedder, Melva Truchanas recently died aged 92. He...