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Making a shit-hot national ICAC

21 October, 2022 - Right now, we have a once-in-a generation opportunity to create the best possible anti-corruption commission to future-proof the democratic i...

One to watch: the Victorian state election

21 October, 2022 - On November 26 Victorians will again go to the polls, and the outcome of the state election will have ramifications on the whole country. Bec...

Creating a nation we can all celebrate

26 September, 2022 - The British Empire declared the first war on these shores – a war that continues today and targets First Nations children, women, men, land...

An Australian head of state

23 September, 2022 - The death of Queen Elizabeth II this month has reignited debate about the relevance of the monarchy in 21st century Australia. Now it is ti...

Pakistan at a climate crossroads

23 September, 2022 - Right now, Pakistan is in the news due to massive flooding, monsoon rains and melting glaciers. the country needs urgent support – and the ...

People like us

23 September, 2022 - Refugees are largely and eagerly characterised in this country as shady, illegitimate freeloaders to be kept out at all costs. As the Green...

What you need to know about the Burrup Hub

23 September, 2022 - The scale of threat posed by the many interconnected fossil fuel projects in WA’s Pilbara region is staggering, and yet we’ve stopped talki...

Who do we want to be as a country?

23 September, 2022 - It’s been an interesting couple of weeks to say the least! As Adam Bandt points out, the death of Queen Elizabeth II has prompted some Toug...

A fruitful month

26 August, 2022 - It’s been a fruitful month beginning our work in the new Parliament, with the Greens improving and then backing the passage of Labor’s Climate...

Anti-protest laws are climate preparedness (if you’re a neoliberal government)

26 August, 2022 - The past decade has seen governments across the country start pulling apart the right to protest, empowering police and criminalising dissent....

From the kitchen table to the UN

26 August, 2022 - It’s time for Australia to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – something to which PM Albanese committed the Labor party wh...

Our six new MPs in their own words

26 August, 2022 - this past month marked a couple of significant milestones for our six new Greens MPs: being sworn in to Parliament and delivering their first ...