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80ish days until the election

25 February, 2022 - We’re about 80 days away from being able to turf out this terrible government. That means we’re 80 days from sitting down with the next gove...

A new podcast for Auspol nerds

25 February, 2022 - Can’t get enough politics in your day? You should check out Serious Danger, a new podcast about our broken political system and its greatest...

Let’s talk about economic equality

25 February, 2022 - Covid-19 has completely laid bare the economic inequality that is the backbone of our capitalist system. So why do we continue to accep...

Statement from the Australian Greens on Ukraine

25 February, 2022 - By Janet Rice The Australian Greens condemn Vladimir Putin’s military aggression in the Ukraine, as we condemn all military aggression....

A note from Lidia Thorpe

28 January, 2022 - Greens family, I’ve just come back from on Country, having spent a couple of weeks reflecting, reconnecting with family and centering mys...

Adam’s January wrap

28 January, 2022 - It's been an action-packed start to the year, with a campaign trip to Brisbane/Meanjin and the ongoing difficulties thrown out by covid-19. W...

January 26 is a day of mourning

28 January, 2022 - January 26 has been a day of mourning for First Nations peoples for far longer than it’s been a nationally gazetted day of ’celebration‘. In ...

The Kids Aren’t Really Alright

28 January, 2022 - Last year, Senator Jordon Steele-John’s office conducted a youth survey that Asked Young People What The Pandemic (and “ScoMo”) Has Done To T...

Convening during covid

17 December, 2021 - While this global pandemic has created some very real challenges for the party, we are excited to find that it has also increased opportunit...

I will not be silenced about justice for Palestinian people

17 December, 2021 - In a speech to the Senate earlier this month, Senator Mehreen Faruqi again shares the ongoing plight of the Palestinian people and why she w...

The end of another strange year

17 December, 2021 - It’s been a tough two years of COVID and unfortunately the end isn’t quite as close as we previously thought. It’s ok to feel sadness and Dr...

Growing the India Greens party

26 November, 2021 - at the recent COP26 climate negotiations, india notably opposed the phase-out of coal. Luckily, A national Green party is rising in India to...