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Read the signs on COP26

26 November, 2021 - This is our code red to act like our house is on fire and avert crisis, catastrophe and extinction. We can see it; our kids can see it. Why ...

Stuck in the slow lane

26 November, 2021 - Like Covid-19, the narrative in the race to dial back climate change also has the Morrison Government stuck in the slow lane. While Individu...

The ultimate COP-out

26 November, 2021 - COP26 in Glasgow was to be a watershed moment in climate action. But as Sarah Hanson-Young explains, it was an opportunity completely wasted...

Adam’s November wrap

19 November, 2021 - We’re rapidly approaching the pointy end of 2021, if you can believe it!  But before we get to whatever 2022 has to offer – including a...

Everyone deserves a place to call home

22 October, 2021 - Housing is not a commodity – it’s a human right and should be treated as such. So it's clear we need to completely rethink the way we approac...

All is not lost

22 October, 2021 - Climate delay, nuclear submarines, the ongoing pandemic: it feels like a year’s worth of terrible events have happened in the past month. But...

Déjà vu all over again

22 October, 2021 - As we mark the 20th anniversary of Australia’s involvement in the Afghanistan war this month, we ask: what was it all about? What was the act...

Staunch, Blak and ready to shake the place up

22 October, 2021 - In this excerpt from her first speech this month, Senator Cox reflects on the journey that brought her to Parliament and the work that lies a...

What is the Asia-Pacific Greens Federation (APGF)?

22 October, 2021 - You may have heard the words and seen the acronym, but many in the Green movement don’t quite know exactly what the Asia-Pacific Greens Feder...

A no-brainer for our brains

24 September, 2021 - Mental healthcare in Australia has been in crisis for some time already. But almost two years into this unprecedented global pandemic, it’s...

Introducing our new Senator from the West, Dorinda Cox

24 September, 2021 - Earlier this month, Dorinda Cox became the first female Aboriginal woman from WA to be confirmed as a senator. As she embarks on this histo...

Positive steps in the face of 30 days of WTF

24 September, 2021 - Between the nuclear submarine announcement, the ongoing pandemic crisis, anti-science protests and even an earthquake, September has packed...