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Bonjour from Paris!

9 December, 2015 - Senator Richard Di Natale It's such a privilege to be representing the Australian Greens here at COP21, where so many leaders — heads of stat...

Conscious Giving

7 December, 2015 - Emma Davidson This November and December, Australians are expected to spend $46.7b in retail stores, according to the Australian Retailers As...

Help us tell our story

7 December, 2015 - John Twyman The Greens is a party intrinsically dedicated to the principle of grassroots participatory democracy. It underpins who we are and...

Thank you for your support

7 December, 2015 - Giz Watson and Penny Allman-Payne (Australian Greens Co-Convenors) As the festive season approaches it's time to reflect on the year and sen...

Summer Reads from Greens MPs

6 December, 2015 - Emma Davidson and Rosanne Bersten Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari After a three-year, 30,000-mile journey, journalist Johann Hari shares ...

Caring for refugee children

5 December, 2015 - Dr R Pryor As the children of Asian migrants to Australia, my siblings and I were lucky. Born to educated parents, well loved, fed and dresse...

Stopping corporate tax avoidance

12 November, 2015 - Big corporates are exploiting loopholes in our tax laws and the global nature of their business to avoid tax. Billions of dollars are being ...

Taking Hope and Reclaiming our Future

11 November, 2015 - Alex Schlotzer (National Secretary) Over the course of three days, members from across Australia gathered in Adelaide to discuss and explore...

Collaboration, commitment and consensus

10 November, 2015 - Catherine Garner One of my favourite things about the Greens is our commitment to member-driven policy and this commitment is both wide and ...

Looking ahead

10 November, 2015 - Senator Richard Di Natale Over the weekend we saw the fruits of our party's constitutional reform in action. A highly productive, respectful...

Public universities: path to Australia's future

8 November, 2015 - Senator Robert Simms Australia's public universities are vital to our nation's future. This is not only because they are fundamental to the g...

Summary Financial Results

4 November, 2015 - Income and expenditure statements for 2015. By The Australian Greens   AUSTRALIAN GREENS (THE GREENS) INCORPORATED INCOME &amp...