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From the Policy Committee

28 October, 2015 - This year, committee members have undertaken an incredible amount of work in reviewing scores of Australian Greens’ policies. By Catherine...

From the Senator for NSW

28 October, 2015 - Two years under the Abbott government has been devastating for most Australians and the environment. By Senator Lee Rhiannon   Tw...

From the Senator for South Australia

28 October, 2015 - This is my last chance to speak to you as a Greens senator for South Australia as I have made a decision to retire. By Senator Penny Wrigh...

From the Senator for Tasmania

28 October, 2015 - Looking back on the year in which the Abbott Government entered the twilight zone, it's hard to recall a time when politics in this country h...

From the Senator for Victoria

28 October, 2015 - After my first full year in the Senate, this government has shown itself to be more out of touch with the concerns of Australians and our env...

From the Senator for Western Australia

28 October, 2015 - 2015 has been a whirlwind year marked by highs and lows on a journey to making a caring and sustainable Australia we can all be proud of. ...

From the Co-Convenors

27 October, 2015 - 2015 has been a momentous year for the Greens, having successfully contested various state elections, transitioned to a new federal parliamen...

From the National Manager

27 October, 2015 - The past year in the national office was focused on consolidation of existing activities, and planning and preparing for the next election — ...

Taking the lead

20 October, 2015 - Harriet de Kok and Sophie Jamieson (Australian Young Greens co-convenors) This year's Australian Young Greens Conference was held in late Sep...

That's a (national tour) wrap

20 October, 2015 - Senator Richard Di Natale What a privilege it's been, meeting so many  dedicated Greens members, enthusiastic Greens supporters, and to have ...

20 questions for Senator Simms

19 October, 2015 - Robert Simms is the first out gay man to represent SA in the Federal Parliament and is now the Australian Greens' spokesperson for Higher Edu...

Australia’s Domestic Violence Emergency

19 October, 2015 - Kassi Klower Sixty-six women are dead.  Forty-one of them were murdered by someone who was supposed to have love for them. Every three hours,...