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Greens MP joins forest protestors on the battlefields of the Government’s koala wars

23 January, 2023 - Forest protectors have once again stopped the industrial logging of our public native forests, this time in Yarratt State Forest near Taree. ...

Locals Kit Docker and Jamie Dixon to run as Greens candidates in the Illawarra

23 January, 2023 - Illawarra, NSW: Launching their campaigns for Keira and Shellharbour in the March NSW election, local residents Kit Docker and Jamie Dixon ca...

World marks Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons over weekend but again Australia is silent

23 January, 2023 - Over the weekend, the world marked the second anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. On the...

Ombudsman paints a damning picture of immigration detention

23 January, 2023 - A new Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) report by the Commonwealth Ombudsman into immigration detention reveals the disturbing and inhumane ...

$2.6m to continue homelessness supports

23 January, 2023 - The ACT Government is providing an additional $2.6 million so that Canberrans in need can access crisis accommodation and support services, i...

In 2023, we are organising to win

22 January, 2023 - 2023 is the year for the Greens to lay the groundwork for a national organising strategy that helps us continue to spread our message and bui...

13 years and going strong: the Greens’ International Development Committee

21 January, 2023 - This year marks 13 years of the Australian Greens’ International Development Committee (IDC). From providing election assistance to deliverin...

This is what we’re fighting for

20 January, 2023 - White Australia has a Blak future. As Senator Lidia Thorpe writes, We’re inviting everyone to join us on this healing journey and show solida...

Tassie devil vote absurd and disgraceful

20 January, 2023 - A plan to reduce the speed limit on a 25km stretch of road responsible for a quarter of Tasmanian devil deaths on state roads* was quashed la...

Underfunding to blame for inequality crisis in schools

20 January, 2023 - The Greens say the findings in today’s Productivity Commission report into the National School Reform Agreement (NSRA) are irrefutable eviden...

Invasion Day 2023

20 January, 2023 - It’s time to change the nation, as well as changing how we celebrate that national identity. By Senator Lidia Thorpe In 1938, Yorta Y...

Melbourne Water flood review lets Labor Government off the hook, Greens propose separate inquiry

20 January, 2023 - The Victorian Greens will push for a parliamentary inquiry into last year’s Maribyrnong River floods when Parliament returns, to close the ga...

Woodside needs to clean up after itself

19 January, 2023 - An oil tower containing toxic chemicals once used by Woodside to produce oil near the Ningaloo Reef ceased operations and should have been de...

Woodside needs to clean up after itself

19 January, 2023 - An oil tower containing toxic chemicals once used by Woodside to produce oil near the Ningaloo Reef ceased operations and should have be...