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Murray-Darling report gives Morrison ultimatum: crops or coal?

15 December, 2020 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says a new report on the impact of global warming on the Murray-Darling makes the fork in the road crystal clear....

Alarm Bells On Housing Stress Must Spur Action

15 December, 2020 - Australian Greens Housing spokesperson and Senator for NSW, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has responded to a report by Equity Economics projecting...

Climate and corporate greed biggest threats to Murray-Darling

15 December, 2020 - Greens Spokesperson for Water and the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said today’s evaluation report by the Murray-Daring Basin Autho...

Morrison makes Australia the OECD outlier on climate

14 December, 2020 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says Australia is now the only OECD country to rule out raising its 2030 emissions target, as the Morrison govern...

Victorian Government must come clean on their support for Alcoa's future

14 December, 2020 - The Federal Government has today offered $76.8 million in support to Alcoa's aluminium smelter in Portland. This comes as the smelter’s exis...

World leaves Australia behind on climate

13 December, 2020 - Last night’s global Climate Ambition Summit confirmed Australia’s status as the world’s climate reject. While Scott Morrison was barred from...

Health approach must be priority for rollout of vaccines

11 December, 2020 - The Greens are calling on the Government to clearly articulate plans for the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations. “We acknowledge there is a si...

Australia's climate pariah status confirmed by UN Summit speaking list

11 December, 2020 - Australia has been confirmed as a climate pariah as the UN’s Climate Ambition Summit speaking list released today confirms the Prime Ministe...

Canberra Tracks heritage sign unveiled at Throsby Park

11 December, 2020 - Canberrans will have a better opportunity to learn about our unique history in the region with a new Canberra Tracks sign unveiled today at ...

Anti-money laundering laws

10 December, 2020 - The Government and Labor have again wasted an opportunity to include real estate agents, accountants and lawyers subject to mandatory report...

Government further reduces Coronavirus supplement for Jobseekers, condemns millions to poverty

10 December, 2020 - The Government has used the last sitting day of the year to condemn millions of Australians to live even further below the poverty line by c...

Greens will oppose IR Omnibus bill

10 December, 2020 - Australian Greens Leader, Adam Bandt says the party’s 9 votes in the Senate will oppose the Government’s industrial relations omnibus Bill. ...

Campaign to scrap racist card will continue

10 December, 2020 - The Greens have vowed to continue the community campaign to stop income management and the Cashless Debit Card for good. “The campaign to st...

PM must not use Pacific bullying to cover for his climate isolation and misleading of Parliament

10 December, 2020 - Scott Morrison has confirmed Australia’s diplomatic isolation on climate with his answers in Question Time today.  It now appears absolutely...

Port Kennedy Planning

10 December, 2020 - This week the WAPC will consider a major residential development south of the river at Port Kennedy in the Rockingham region, a coastal subu...