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Gas and transport emissions on the rise, coal still a huge problem: report

10 December, 2020 - Greenhouse gas emissions from gas and transport are on the rise in Victoria while coal continues to account for nearly half of our total emi...

A Tale of Two Cities

10 December, 2020 - Urban renewal and growth are critical issues for Metropolitan Perth. Whether change is met by controversy and conflict or creativity and com...

New Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary strategy

10 December, 2020 - Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary will continue protecting native species and providing opportunities to interact with nature under a new dr...

Government wastes $7.5 million this year logging our native forests

10 December, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have urged the Andrews Labor Government to immediately cease native forest logging across the state in a bid to protect...

Senate COVID Committee tables interim report into Government's response to pandemic and recession

9 December, 2020 - The Australian Greens support the recommendations and the interim findings of the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 majority report and hav...

Voices of grassroots people must be heard as Treaty back on the national agenda: Greens

9 December, 2020 - After urging Treaty be put back on the national agenda as recently as her first speech to the Senate last week, Australian Greens First Natio...

Centre Alliance capitulate to Government on Cashless Debit Card and don’t even bother to turn up to vote 

9 December, 2020 - Centre Alliance have hoodwinked and mislead the people of South Australia and those on the Cashless Debit Card. They’ve assured voters for we...

Juukan Gorge Committee releases multiparty majority report 

9 December, 2020 -  The Joint Standing Committee on the Northern Australia Inquiry into Juukan Gorge have today released a multiparty majority interim report wi...

Cutting Coronavirus Supplement will hurt at-risk Canberrans

9 December, 2020 - Tens of thousands of Canberrans are set to be impacted by the Federal Government’s New Year’s Day cut to the Coronavirus Supplement, putting ...

Greens demand answers: did the PM mislead Parliament on Climate Summit invitation?

8 December, 2020 - There is now a serious question as to whether the Prime Minister has led Parliament, said Greens Leader, Adam Bandt.  Mr Bandt was today gagg...

Statement On The NZ Royal Commission

8 December, 2020 - Senator Mehreen Faruqi has responded to the publication of the report of Aotearoa New Zealand’s Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terroris...

Recycling industry at a loss as Government celebrates its own win

8 December, 2020 -   The Government's Recycling and Waste Reduction Bill 2020 has today been passed un-amended by the Senate, despite staunch support for substa...

Greens welcome introduction of News Media Bargaining Code

8 December, 2020 - Greens Spokesperson for Media and Communications Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has welcomed the Government’s indication that they will introduce...


8 December, 2020 - The Government is using the final Parliamentary sitting week of this year to push through legislation to make the current Cashless Debit Card...

Senate backs call for local content rules for online streaming services

8 December, 2020 - The Senate has today backed a Greens motion calling on the Government to implement Australian content quotas for online video streaming subsc...