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Planning Minister rams through planning decision despite years of community consultation: ACT Greens

7 August, 2020 - The ACT Greens have today expressed outrage and dismay at the ACT Planning Minister’s decision to again use his call-in powers to ram through a...

Mental health funding boost helping Canberra’s workers

7 August, 2020 - Local workplace mental health and wellbeing program provider OzHelp has received $100,000 as part of the ACT Government’s COVID-19 mental healt...

Paid pandemic leave desperately needed with 59,000 Tasmanians without leave entitlements

6 August, 2020 - Tasmanian Senator Peter Whish-Wilson has called for Tasmania to be included in the Federal Government's Paid Pandemic Leave scheme, with ABS da...

75th Anniversary of Hiroshima: Australia must sign UN Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

6 August, 2020 - Thursday 6th August 2020 Australian Greens Peace and Nuclear Disarmament spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has called for Australian to s...

Pandemic Leave desperately needed with a quarter of South Aussie workers having no leave entitlement

6 August, 2020 - Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young has called for South Australia to be included in the Federal Government’s Paid Pandemic L...

JobKeeper cuts will force up to 83,000 Victorians out of jobs

6 August, 2020 - The Australian Greens have released analysis of ABS data which shows 83,100 workers on JobKeeper in Victoria are casuals in industries now subj...

Statement on Parliament sittings

6 August, 2020 - I am pleased the Parliament will sit again. In a crisis we need more democracy, not less, and the Greens opposed the initial agreement between ...

Govt claims $10m for Fox Sports is a Covid Response Measure but no extra funding for ABC

6 August, 2020 - The Morrison Government’s $10million for Fox Sports to broadcast women’s and niche sports is part of its Covid Response Package, yet no extra f...

Federal Government must lift VIC childcare support & move to free childcare

6 August, 2020 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says a return to free childcare is needed in Victoria immediately and that the success of the initial COVID-19 child...

Leadership needed to protect most vulnerable from gaming harm: ACT Greens

6 August, 2020 - As the COVID pandemic continues to impact our community, the Greens have today again called on the ACT Government to deliver a series of modest...

2020 Election: ACT Greens release major Drug Law Reform package to help end war on drugs

6 August, 2020 - The ACT Greens will today unveil a commitment to substantially reform the way drug use and dependency is dealt with in the Territory. This e...

Prohibited Items Bill

5 August, 2020 - The Migration Amendment (Prohibiting Items in Immigration Detention Facilities) Bill 2020 is irredeemable and must be rejected by the Senate, t...

No More Band-Aids: Reinstate Free Childcare and Fund ECEC Properly

5 August, 2020 - The Greens have responded to the government’s package for childcare in Victoria, saying that it is unnecessarily complicated and austere. The g...

Australia needs to raise the minimum wage for women's economic security

5 August, 2020 - The Greens have welcomed the updated Economic Security for Women’s White Paper, and called on the government raise the minimum wage to address ...

Mine rehabilitation in Victoria not happening due to government failures

5 August, 2020 - Today the Auditor-General’s report on rehabilitating mines in Victoria has revealed that the state’s Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions ...