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Homophobic ‘gay panic’ defence needs to be abolished in all states: Greens

31 March, 2016 - South Australia and Queensland need to abolish the homophobic ‘gay panic' defence, Australian Greens sexuality spokesperson Senator Robert Simm...

Is Senate Voting Reform the Greens' GST moment?

31 March, 2016 - Andrew Bartlett Andrew Bartlett is a former Democrats Senator and Greens candidate for Queensland. He has written a series of articles about Se...

Can drive, can't vote

31 March, 2016 - Laura Hedge The gap between the age of 16 and the time you become a legal adult at 18 is a jumble of child-like activities and adult responsibi...

Family Violence Royal Commission

30 March, 2016 - The Greens have welcomed the findings of the Royal Commission as a major step towards reducing the harm caused by family violence.   ​“Today is...

Turnbull’s new tax plan is terrible for Tasmania

30 March, 2016 - Greens Finance spokesperson and Senator for Tasmania, Peter Whish-Wilson, provides the following comments on the Prime Minister’s latest though...

Greens announce health funding proposal

30 March, 2016 - Australian Greens Leader and public health specialist, Dr Richard Di Natale, has today announced the Greens plan to phase out the private healt...

Income tax proposal a cop out

30 March, 2016 - The Liberals are proving they're not up to the task of tax reform, again dumping their budget problems on state and territory governments, the ...

Turnbull must ditch Abbott’s hardline public sector bargaining policy: Greens

30 March, 2016 - Greens Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today called on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to ditch Tony Abbott’s hardline bargaini...

Major parties both support Burrup development

30 March, 2016 - 24 March, 2016 WA Greens Mines and Petroleum spokesperson Robin Chapple MLC said he was disappointed by comments from Opposition Leader Mark Mc...

New legal challenge should be final nail in the coffin for Roe 8

30 March, 2016 - Greens South Metropolitan MLC Lynn MacLaren says a new legal challenge to the proposed Roe Highway Stage 8 extension to be served today should ...

Government must explain as tensions rise on Manus Island

30 March, 2016 - The reported tensions within the Manus Island detention camp, resulting from centre meetings where plans for forced segregation and mass deport...

A register of foreign owned farmland is pointless if it is not public: Greens

30 March, 2016 - Moves by the Federal Government to make private a register of foreign agricultural land ownership has been slammed by the Australian Greens as ...

One mistake too many for Aboriginal Affairs Minister

30 March, 2016 - 30 March, 2016 The WA Greens say Aboriginal Affairs Minister Peter Collier should lose his portfolio, given his disastrous Aboriginal heritage ...

Income tax proposal a cop out

30 March, 2016 - The Liberals are proving they're not up to the task of tax reform, again dumping their budget problems on state and territory governments, the ...