
Morrison and Taylor put on show for gas giants at Glasgow

2 November, 2021 - Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young commenting from COP26 in Glasgow this morning local time:  “Mr Morrison has had a disaster of a world trip ...

Morrison lies in Glasgow climate speech

2 November, 2021 - Scott Morrison has been caught lying in his speech to world leaders at Glasgow, deliberately misrepresenting Australia’s climate targets in h...

Greens launch plan to shutdown horse racing

2 November, 2021 - Media Release  The Greens have today launched a Horse Racing Transition Plan to shut down commercial horse racing in Australia. Af...

AUKUS: Implications for WA

2 November, 2021 - Some things belong in our ocean. Nuclear Submarines Do Not! By K-A Garlick, Nuclear Free Community Campaigner, Conservation Council of WA...

Morrison in climate wrecker mode in Glasgow

1 November, 2021 - Fresh from helping derail G20 climate commitments, Scott Morrison is now gearing up to be a climate action wrecker at Glasgow. The Prime Mini...

New Public Health Direction for disability and aged care workers to be signed today

1 November, 2021 - The requirement for disability support workers and in-home and community aged care workers in the ACT to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will ...

Green Issue Editorial October 2021

31 October, 2021 - By The Green Issue Editors Much has been happening over the last two months and we include commentary on some of those events. Dorinda Cox...

Trees: evolving perceptions

31 October, 2021 - A journey beginning with concepts as forests as an exploitable resource to realization of their role in saving the planet By Chris Johanse...

Ending native forest logging

31 October, 2021 - Steps towards that long-term goal but still much work to do in developing a new Forest Management Plan By Jess Beckerling, Convenor Wester...

Brad Pettitt’s October Update

31 October, 2021 - Climate Action Bill introduced, to address WA’s ever-increasing emissions and promote our comparative advantage in transitioning to renewable...


31 October, 2021 - Taking on the mental health portfolio, alarmed by AUKUS and striking for climate action By Senator Jordon Steele-John My goodness! So m...

Dorinda Cox’s October Update

31 October, 2021 - Off and running in the Senate, and picking up the pace for the next Federal election By Senator Dorinda Cox Since being preselected alm...

Stuck in the Slow Lane

30 October, 2021 - The performance of Australian Governments in incentivizing behavioural change to reduce the carbon footprint of Australian households By M...


30 October, 2021 - How America chose the wrong anthem and then destroyed the meaning of the one they should have chosen By Rob Delves, Green Issue Co-editor ...

Welcome Dorinda

30 October, 2021 - Dorinda Cox becomes the first Aboriginal woman Senator from WA By Alison Xamon [As read into Hansard by Hon. Brad Pettitt MLC at Dorind...