
Greens launch new discussion paper on future of universities

17 November, 2021 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has today launched a new discussion paper, The University of the Future: Hig...

Modern slavery days away from being unlawful in NSW

17 November, 2021 - Late last night the Modern Slavery Bill passed the NSW Upper House meaning it is one step closer to becoming law. Critical amendments that w...

WA Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill nowhere near the best in the country

17 November, 2021 - Claims by the McGowan Government that the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill is ‘the best in the nation’ is a blatant stretch of the truth wi...

Progressing Canberra’s eating disorder residential treatment centre

17 November, 2021 - A design tender for Canberra’s residential treatment centre opens today, taking the ACT closer to more support and services for people with ...

Greens use Barnaby to step up campaigns against inner city Liberals

16 November, 2021 - As Barnaby Joyce and Matt Canavan call for more coal before the ink on the Glasgow Climate Pact is even dry, the Greens have begun hitting t...

Greens Commitment to Extend Telehealth

16 November, 2021 - The Australian Greens have today announced their plan to make Telehealth a permanent part of our healthcare system, investing $772 million o...

Greens announce commitment to extend telehealth

16 November, 2021 - Media Release  The Australian Greens have today announced their plan to make Telehealth a permanent part of our healthcare system, i...

We stand by our COVID law changes that protect essential workers

16 November, 2021 - In May 2020 Greens amendments secured a presumptive right to workers compensation for frontline workers who contracted COVID when they were ...

New guidance to improve mental health services for trans and gender diverse Canberrans

16 November, 2021 - The ACT Government has today released nation leading guidance to help practitioners provide more supportive mental health services for trans...

Crossbenchers' transparency triumph cuts Premier's pandemic powers

16 November, 2021 - The parliamentary leaders of the Greens, the Reason Party and the Animal Justice Party have secured key improvements to the pandemic bill.&n...

Greens say 43 is less than 45

15 November, 2021 - Following Labor Leader Anthony Albanese saying "Well, he's just making up numbers, of course" on Tasmania Talks with Mike O'Loughlin today, ...

Heat on Labor and Liberal as 1.5 alive but coal & gas on death row

15 November, 2021 - The Greens have said the next election will be a climate fight with the heat now on Liberal and Labor, after the Glasgow Climate Pact put co...

Attorneys-General need to lift their game and raise the age to 14, say Greens

15 November, 2021 - The Australian Greens condemn the move by the Meeting of Attorneys General (MAG) towards raising the age of legal responsibility from 10 to ...

Funding Announced - 2021 Community Building Partnership Program

15 November, 2021 - Tamara Smith MP, Member for Ballina has today announced the electorate of Ballina has secured $400,000 in funding for a total of 18 projects...

Supporting social recovery for tenants

15 November, 2021 - A grant pool of $70,000 opens today for to support participation, skill development and social connection for Canberra’s social housing tena...