
Emma Davidson Speech - Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide

31 March, 2021 - Madam Speaker, I would like to acknowledge the thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are currently serving, or who have...

Queensland pays the price for Morrison’s flawed vaccine rollout

30 March, 2021 - The Greens have laid the blame for Brisbane’s three-day COVID lockdown at the Morrison government’s door, saying its failure to ensure all fron...

Minister Wynne's support of dodgy housing deal in Yarra 'heartless'

30 March, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed Yarra Council’s rejection of a development proposal in Abbotsford that would have seen public land ripped fr...

Jo Clay - Speech on the Plastics Reduction Bill 2020

30 March, 2021 - The Greens are pleased to support this Bill. When China brought in its ban on receiving waste from other countries in early 2018, it was a w...

Greens call on Minister to support renters at risk of homelessness

30 March, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have written to Minister Horne and urged her to ensure no renter is forced into homelessness now that COVID-specific prote...

Cliff edge plunge for native forest profits is opportunity to get chainsaws out of North Coast forests forever

30 March, 2021 - Public native forests are being logged for a net return of less than 20 cents per mature tree, according to forestry data analysed by the NSW G...

Greens welcome neighbourhood forests plan

30 March, 2021 - The Urban Forest Strategy released today by the ACT Government delivers the ACT Greens’ commitment for a comprehensive plan to cover 30% of Can...

Crib Point gas terminal decision a huge win for the community and the climate

30 March, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed the state government’s decision to scrap its proposed gas import terminal at Crib Point due to the damaging ...

Cabinet reshuffle is cold comfort to Australian women

29 March, 2021 - The Greens say the Prime Minister’s reshuffle is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and won’t fix entrenched cultural and systemic issu...

Andrew Braddock Op Ed: Canberra’s Tree Canopy Target

29 March, 2021 - To paraphrase the late American R & B musician Luther Ingram, If Loving Trees Is Wrong, I Don’t Wanna Be Right. Maybe not everyone is wi...

Fight for the future

29 March, 2021 - Over the past 12 months, the Greens have conducted a widespread consultation of you – our members and supporters – about what you would like to...

Trial floating wetland for Lake Tuggeranong

29 March, 2021 - A new wetland has been created in Lake Tuggeranong to help keep our water clean as part of the ACT Healthy Waterways program. Minister for W...

Enough is enough

29 March, 2021 - Earlier this month, long-held rage at systemic sexism boiled over into the powerful #March4Justice movement around the country. Community campa...

They’ll outspend us – again

29 March, 2021 - Have you noticed we’ve been asking for donations more than usual over the past months? It’s because we can’t compete with the old parties witho...

Getting to know our new MPs: Rebecca Vassarotti

29 March, 2021 - 2020 was a huge year for the Greens around the country – particularly in the ACT, where we tripled our representation in the Assembly at the Oc...