
A small state with a huge campaign

26 April, 2021 - earlier this month, Tasmania was thrown into a snap state election campaign a full year before schedule. Adam Bandt visited the apple isle to s...

Greens will oppose any attempt to return to Kennett-era austerity politics

26 April, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have called the state opposition’s budget plan short-sighted and say they will oppose any attempt to return to Kennett-era...

Permanent telehealth must be funded in May Budget 

23 April, 2021 - The Greens are calling on the Federal Government to make telehealth a permanent feature of our Medicare system.  “Telehealth has been lifesavin...

Morrison failing to protect Australia and must increase 2030 climate targets

23 April, 2021 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has described Prime Minister Scott Morrison as an utter embarrassment and a threat to Australia’s safety after Austr...

Independent assessments trial threatens choice, control and continuity

23 April, 2021 - ACT Minister for Disability Emma Davidson is standing by her call to abandon the pilot of independent assessments in the NDIS, saying it’s snea...

New accessibility standards to make homes fit for all

23 April, 2021 - The ACT Government wants to ensure every new residential is built to meet accessibility standards, not just in the ACT but across Australia. ...

Community consultation opens to expand use of body worn cameras

23 April, 2021 - The ACT Government is calling for the community to have their say on legislative changes being considered by the government, which will allow A...

'Metre matters' laws will improve road safety for cyclists

23 April, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed the introduction of mandatory minimum passing distance laws in Victoria and say it will help make our roads ...

Activating Asia-Pacific’s emerging leaders

23 April, 2021 - The Asia-Pacific Greens Federation does incredible work supporting Green movements across our region to build a just and sustainable future. No...

Building gender equity in Asia Pacific Green parties

23 April, 2021 - While we were marching for justice for women across Australia last month, the Australian Greens were also working for gender equity measures wi...

Morrison's hydrogen spin is just more cash for coal & gas

22 April, 2021 - As the Prime Minister pins all his hopes on technology to save his government’s complete lack of any climate policy, his financial commitment d...

Big Pharma and shareholders profit making from global pandemic is appalling 

22 April, 2021 - The Greens say that the People’s Vaccine Alliance calculation that Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson  have paid out $26 billion in dividends and sto...

Participation grants expanded to support wellbeing through COVID-19

22 April, 2021 - 120 social housing tenants and their families will receive a one-off grant through the 2020-21 Tenant Participation Grants Program to part...

As world looks to George Floyd verdict, at home, no justice for Blak deaths in custody

21 April, 2021 - Thirty years since the final report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Australia has yet to reckon with its history and...

Federal Government must show leadership, step up and commit funding to develop mRNA manufacturing capacity

21 April, 2021 - “It’s time for the Morrison Government to step up and show leadership on developing publicly-owned mRNA manufacturing capacity", Greens spokesp...