
Reasons for Running

25 February, 2021 - What motivates me to put myself up as The Greens candidate for Dawesville? By Stewart Godden I was born in Perth and raised in what wa...

Planet-friendly Green Revolution

25 February, 2021 - The green revolution of mid-last century alleviated a burgeoning food problem but with adverse ecological consequences. We still need to inc...

Phase-out of Coal in Germany

25 February, 2021 - Its OK to have aspirations for net zero emissions but to be credible it is necessary to define a pathway to get there. Germany has done this...

The Drug Dealers’ Defence

25 February, 2021 - Justification for continuation and expansion of natural gas extraction in WA resembles that of a cornered drug dealer By Chris Johansen, ...

A Charter of Rights for WA

25 February, 2021 - Other countries have Bills or Charters of Human Rights, why don’t we? By Hon Alison Xamon, MLC, Member for North Metropolitan Region [...

‘DobSeeker’ hotline is an abuse of power 

24 February, 2021 - The Greens say that the Government’s reporting line dubbed the ‘DobSeeker’ is an abuse of power that will hurt the most vulnerable in our co...

Far-right Hate Attack Shows Extremists Emboldened

24 February, 2021 - The Greens have responded to sickening reports of a violent assault by a man with a swastika on a First Nations woman and her daughter in We...

More Ministers protecting the boys club

24 February, 2021 - “The men of this government are still following the rules of the ‘boys club’, covering for each other instead of speaking out about what the...

Victorians would receive $10,000 eco-bonus for switch to EVs, under Greens plan

24 February, 2021 - Victorians would receive a $10,000 dollar eco-bonus for ditching their fossil-fuel powered cars in favour of electric cars, under a plan lau...

$25 a week is a cruel joke

23 February, 2021 - Today is an extremely distressing day for the 1.5 million people on the JobSeeker and Youth Allowance payments who have now had confirmation...

ACT Government calls for ongoing commitment to raise the rate

23 February, 2021 - The ACT Government is calling on the Federal Government to do more than what has been announced today and commit to further increases in Job...

New data shows Youth Allowance is a "poverty sentence" for young, disabled Australians

22 February, 2021 - Australian Greens Disability Rights spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has called for an urgent intervention to lift young, disabled pe...

Save the Koala laws debated in Senate

22 February, 2021 - The Senate has today debated new laws introduced by the Australian Greens to save our koalas. Greens Environment Spokesperson Senator Sarah ...

Greens say Government needs to step up support for local mRNA facilities 

22 February, 2021 - The Greens say that the Government will miss out on opportunities to expand and diversify Australia’s vaccine portfolio if they don’t invest...

Government to finally investigate Crown, despite years of inaction

22 February, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have said the Andrews Labor Government's decision to establish a royal commission after years of leniency and inaction ...